Eating lots of tomatoes, in any way you can is a great thing. This fruit that acts like a vegetable is loaded with health properties

1. Tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids: alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. These carotenoids may have individual benefits, but also have synergy as a group(that is, they interact to provide health benefits).

 2. In particular, tomatoes contain awesome amounts of lycopene, thought to have the highest antioxidant activity of all the carotenoids. 

3.Tomatoes contain all three high-powered antioxidants: beta-carotene (which has vitamin A activity in the body), vitamin E, and vitamin C. A U.S. Department of Agriculture report, What WeEat in America, noted that a third of us get too little vitamin C and almost half get too little vitamin A.