It's the season of Mangoes and how could we possibly miss writing an article about our beloved mangoes?! Read on for a lowdown on this wonderful fruit:

Why eat Mangoes?

If you REALLY need health-based reasons to eat this yummy fruit, we have some for you below:

  • Mango helps in reducing serum cholesterol levels owing to the fact that it is high in fibre and a rich source of Vitamin C and pectins.
  • Mangoes contain a lot of potassium (168 mg to be precise) which explains its benefits on controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Mango is classified as a low glycemic index (41-60) food. So having them will NOT spike up your sugar levels the way white breads and carbonated beverages would.
  • Have your mangoes without a guilt for beautiful and healthy eyes. One cup of sliced mango equals 25% daily intake of Vitamin A
  • Mangoes have twenty-five different carotenoids that help boost the immune system!

How to include mangoes in your diet?

  1. Fruit by itself: Just slice it and have it. It really is that simple. First thing in the morning or 2-3 hours post lunch to beat the afternoon slump
  2. Mango juice: Soothing and refreshing drink and one you should opt for ONLY if eating the whole fruit isn’t an option because in this case, you’d lose out on the fiber
  3. Mango milkshake: A perfect evening meal OR a traditional aam ka raas with roti at either lunch or dinner
  4. Fajeto: Fajeto is a yogurt and mango based curry that is tangy, hot, sweet and simply delicious. Easy to prepare – purée ripe mangoes and simmer it with yogurt and spices and its done! Serve the Fajeto along with roti or rice for a weekend lunch.
  5. Aam ka panna: Usually made from unripe (green) mangoes, this is a must try drink. Perfect to sip on mid-morning instead of chai or coffee.

Happy eating!
PS. Please DO NOT believe baseless rumors about mangoes being ‘fattening’ and ‘high in sugar.’