Dear friends in health,
We are happy to inform you that we fine tuned our cancer management protocols. With the new protocol we are able to support clients who are already in medical treatment with their doctor in hospital and clients who choose not to go on the conventional way.
Two out of three Singaporeans suffer from some form of cancer and it is alarming. Many succumb to cancer because they already believe that they will die, the stress of death affects them badly and eventually kills them.
However holistic medicine and science when applied professionally supports recovery from cancer. The protocols improve the quality of life and prolongs life span of patients with improved health and wellness.
The SIX Phases of Cancer
Phase 1 - Prolonged Stress and Cancer contributes to cancer. They are inescapable shock like death of love ones, accidents, illness etc. Emotional trauma contributes to cancer too. For example - long period of unemployment and the financial stress that comes with it, divorce, abusive relationships, and threats like like lawsuit, financial claims, loss in investments etc. Phase one takes about 18 to 24 months for cancers to manifest.
Phase 2 - With stress hormones cortisol rises and they depletes adrenaline levels. This affects the Krebs cycle which cause the cells to ferment and raise glucose levels. This creates acidic environment which eventually leads to cancer.
Phase 3 - Somatids are tiny organisms that are necessary for life, they ferment into yeast like fungus and produce excess glucose and lactic acid. This creates a highly acidic environment. The fungus migrates to the cell nucleus and release mycotoxins that inhibit DNA repair and inhibit tumor suppressor genes p53. Cells die and mutate to oncogenes which are cancer cells.
Phase 4 - Adrenalin is depleted and this cause the depletion of dopamin in the brain. This leads to more stress. Tryptophan that creates serotonin to offset depressed mood gets seriously low. NAD coenzymes for cell respiration are not available and the metabolic pathway gets broken.
Phase 5 - When Adrenalin are depleted and cortisol levels are very high, leads to vitamin C deficiency. This causes cell mitochondria DNA mutation and cancer.
Phase 6 - Prolonged stress penetrates at the subconcious level and the cancer patient just wants to die. This shuts down the immune system which enables the fungus and cancer to proliferate rapidly. T cells and B cells, natural killers cells, macrophages and neutrophils are all stopped. Death occurs.
Cancer must be overcome by stress management, diet modification and implementation, specific BioFINity supplementation, healthy water, healthy air and mindful meditation
Give yourself a chance. Call us.