Hair fall is one of the commonest complains seen in today's clinical practice. Majority of the cases can be treated with good results if a proper diagnosis is made early and appropriate treatment is initiated. Losing hair every day is a normal physiological phenomenon. 

Men lose about 80 hair per day, whereas women loose about 70 hair. There are three phases of hair growth. Usually, new hair grows to replace the fallen ones. However, this phenomenon becomes pathological when the falling hair is not replaced or when it is replaced by weaker or less dense hair or when the rate of hair falling exceeds the normal rate mentioned. 

Hair fall can be categorized as:

1. Physiological 

2. Pathological  

The most common physiological cause in today's practice is stress, nutritional deficiencies, pregnancy and lactation. Among the pathological causes are hormonal imbalance, immunological, bacterial, viral and fungal infections. 

Genetic predisposition is another cause for hair loss and it occurs due to a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone(DHT). 

Management: Includes diagnosis and treatment. In addition to thorough clinical evaluation, diagnostic work-up includes blood and hormonal studies. Alternative medicine plays a very significant role among the other modalities of treatment. 

A combined approach of alternative and allopathy have shown to give good results. Among the alternative methods, cupping has proven to influence the neural, hematological and immune functioning of the body. In the hematological system it decreases HCT and increases the flow of blood which in turn increases end-organ oxygenation. 

In the immune system, it causes immunomodulation and increases the level of immune products such as interferon and tumor necrotizing factor. It increases the flow of lymph in the lymph vessels. In the neural system, it regulates the neurotransmitters and hormones such as dopamine, serotonin and endorphin.

Wet cupping has shown to have an impact on the causative pathological substances. Hair loss or Alopecia can be successfully managed by a combined approach of cupping therapy, proper nutrition, lifestyle changes, and minimal medication.