Gums are the most important part of your overall oral health. Bleeding in gums while brushing can be the first sign indicating gum disease. Gum disease is not so common in young patients. One develops it with age, mostly. There are various ways to prevent or treat your gum disease. Do not ignore the gum disease or leave untreated. Disease free gums or healthy gums hold your teeth in place and protects the periodontium. Plaque deposition gradually recede your gums making the attachment lose with the teeth. Also, loosening of teeth can be the common problem associated with gum disease. 

Systemic factors affecting gum health:

1. Diabetes.

2. Genetic problems.

3. Hormonal changes, commonly in females.

4. Intake of medication causing reduced saliva production.

5. Age factor.

Symptoms of gum disease:

1. Reduced gum line- Plaque formation recedes gum making the teeth lose.

2. Swelling and redness in the gums.

3. Sensitivity in teeth.

4. Foul breath.

5. Pain in teeth or pressure while chewing. 

Factors affecting gum disease:

1. Smoking and consumption of alcohol.

2. Floss daily.

3. Brush your teeth twice, daily.

4. Practice improper brushing technique.

5. Type of brush used.

6. Grinding and clenching.

7. Avoiding routine visits at dental office.

8. Fear of visiting a dentist.

Avoiding above factors can help to achieve better dental health. A good dental hygiene impacts overall body health. In elderly patients gum disease leads to bone loss, which is another most common complication after loosening teeth. Gum disease is also associated with various health issues. One who presents with weak immunity helps the bacteria to reach oral cavity or in different parts of body. In diabetic patients the condition is worsen with gum disease.

Ways to overcome gum disease:

1. Visit your dentist and learn right technique and consistency of brushing. You should always hold the brush at an angle of 45 degrees with your teeth and brush in short, circular motion. Avoid hard brushing and brushing for very long time.

2. Get a routine check of your oral health in every six months. If a person is already affected with gum disease then, visit a dentist in every three to four months. 

3. Flossing can also reduce the deposition of plaque in between the teeth.

4. Beware of your regular medication; this could be one of the causes for gum disease.Medicines such as oral contraceptives, antidepressants and anti – coagulants can generate gum disease.

5. Make some lifestyle modifications by including healthy diet. Nutrients like vitamin A and C help to prevent or cure gum disease. 

Receded gums with loosening of teeth

Treatment options:


  •  Dental cleaning       
  •  Scaling and root planing


  • Periodontal flap surgery and curettage. In this, incision is given and flap is raised for removing the infected tissue, this procedure after raising flap is called curettage. After the infected tissue is removed the flap is sutured and the pack is given. Patient is then called after seven days for suture removal and follow-up.
  • Pocket reduction surgery. It is similar as periodontal flap surgery or you can also consider it to be followed by periodontal flap surgery. In this, the flap is tightly tied to the underlying bone level.
  • Bone grafting. In this, bone graft is placed if the bone level has gone down making the gum recede and losing its attachment from the teeth.
  • Laser treatment. Laser reduction of gums can be done by using a high beam light targeting to eradicate the bacteria. Lasers play a very positive role in removing bacteria from the diseased site.Lasers are the most advancing techniques used by few dentists in today’s date.