Gum care is always neglected while listing a beautiful shimmering smile. On an average, three out of four people over thirty-five years of age, suffer from diseased gums. Good gum care is essential for proper dental hygiene. Healthy gums are pink, regular, compact and hard while unhealthy gums are spongy, dark red or very pale. Some of the symptoms of diseased gums are swollen gums, bleeding when brushing, receding gums and sensitivity.

  • While brushing do not put pressure to remove plaque.
  •  Vigorous scrubbing could injure your gums. Gently brush horizontally and vertically
  • Place your brush at a slight angle towards the gums when brushing along the gum line.
  • Brush using a soft bristle toothbrush
  • Avoid smoking and chewing tabacco. They increase the risk of gum disease.
  • Get your teeth professionally cleaned on a regular basis every six months.
  • Foods containing antioxidants like raisins, green tea and whole grains improve Gums health. Include them in your diet.
  • Vitamin C is essential for good gum health. 
  • Have more of citrus fruits which are good source of Vitamin C.
  • Brush across the top of chewing surface of the teeth. make sure the bristles get into the groves and crevices.
  • Use a small circular motion to clean the backside of the upper and lower teeth.
  • After brushing your teeth for two to three minutes, rinse your mouth with water.
  • Replace your toothbrush with a new one every 3 to 4 months.
  • Visit your dentist atleast once every six months.
  • Gum massage plays vital role in securing your gums
  • It is recommended to massage your gums twice daily with finger pressure ,in circular motion.
  • With a pinch of salt soaked in a glass of lukewarm water, make a homemade saline solution. This will help increase circulation in your gums and reduce the swelling. Use this to natural home remedy in the morning and in the evening.
  •  Rinse your moth clean after every meal.