Week #1
It is a truly amazing process of life and being able to go through 9 months of carrying another living, breathing person inside of you will change you forever.
We all thought that pregnancy takes 9 months, but you actually have to start from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. Women have no idea when they ovulate or conceive, but they do know when the first day of their last menstrual cycle occurred. Ovulation won’t take place for another 2 weeks, so you may actually conceive during week 3.
If you are planning on becoming pregnant, now is the time to start getting your body ready. You need to start taking prenatal vitamins,which contain folic acid and iron (two very important nutrients for fetus development early in pregnancy).
Also, start tracking ovulation by taking your basal body temperature and watch for the signs. Make sure to check back next week to see what happen in week 2.
Week #2
This is around the week of ovulation. You are now at the midpoint of your menstrual cycle (if you have a regular 28-day cycle), about to ovulate and are most likely to get pregnant. Your uterus has shed its lining and is preparing itself to house your fertilized egg. Your egg is ripening inone of your ovaries and is getting ready to be released.
A woman is truly fertile for about 4 days a month and this is determined by when she is ovulating. You need to keep track of your menstrual cycle, your basal temperature and the consistency of your cervical mucus. These will give you the best signs of when you are about to ovulate.
Prepare to have fun trying to make your baby.week 2.