Ganglion is a small cystic tumor containing viscid fluid and connected either with a joint membrane or tendon sheath. It is usually appears on or around joints and tendons in the hand or foot. The size of the cyst can vary over time. It is most frequently located around the wrist and on the fingers. A cyst containing mucopolysaccharide rich fluid within fibrous tissue or, occasionally, muscle bone or a semilunar cartilage, usually attached to a tendon sheath in the hand, wrist, or foot. Sometimes it is containing cell bodies of neurons that is located outside the central nervous system and forms an enlargement upon a nerve or upon two or more nerves at their point of junction or separation. It is called nerve ganglion, neural ganglion, and neuro ganglion.

Causative factors for Ganglion:

  • The exact cause of ganglion cysts is not known. One theory suggests that trauma causes the tissue of the joint to break down forming small cysts, which then join into a larger, more obvious mass. The most likely theory involves a flaw in the joint capsule or tendon sheath that allows the joint tissue to bulge out.
  • Excessive use of joint also leads to develop ganglion


  • The ganglion cyst swelling may appear over time or appear suddenly, may get smaller in size, and may even go away, only to come back at another time.
  • The swelling looks like a smooth soft lump under the skin and it vary in size from pea-sized to being as big as a golf ball in some cases.
  • The swelling contains a jelly-like substance called synovial fluid.
  • Swelling causes mild discomfort during wrist movement.
  • Ganglion cysts usually are painless. However, if a cyst presses on a nerve even if the cyst is too small to form a noticeable lump it can cause pain, tingling, numbness or muscle weakness, Any pain is usually nonstop, aching, and made worse by joint motion.
  • When the ganglion is connected to a tendon, there may be a sense of weakness in the affected finger.
  • The size of a cyst can fluctuate, often getting larger when you use that joint for repetitive motions.

How to diagnose ganglion?

Ganglion cysts are easily diagnosed, as they are visible and pliable to touch. On Microscopic examination ganglionic cysts are thin-walled cysts containing clear, mucinous fluid. A ganglion cyst diagnosis may be confirmed by aspiration, a process in which to aspirate the fluid in the cyst. Fluid from a ganglion cyst will be thick and clear or translucent.

How Homoeopathy helps to cure ganglion?

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as physiological and pathological conditions. Everybody knows well that Homeopathy treats tumours without surgery. Ganglion can be cured with Homeopathic medicines without any recurrences. But treatment should be followed till it subsides wholly or otherwise there will be recurrence as in other treatments. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy.

Commonly indicated Homoeopathic remedies:

Ruta: It is a great remedy for ganglion. Paralytic stiffness of wrist. Shooting pain in wrists. Sensation as from a sprain and stiffness in wrist. Bones of wrist and back of hand painful as if bruised, it is worse in rest or moving. Pain in wrist on lifting a weight. Numbness and tingling in hands after exertion. Spasmodic contraction of fingers. Swollen veins on hands, after eating. Rut suited to scrofulous exostosis, bruises and other mechanical injuries of bones and periosteum, sprains, periostitis, erysipelas, fractures, and especially dislocations. Bruised, lame sensation all over, as after a fall or blow; worse in limbs and joints. All parts of the body upon which he lies are painful, as if bruised. Restless, turns and changes position frequently when lying.

Carbo veg: Acute drawing pains in the forearms, the wrists, and the fingers. Relaxation of the muscles of the arms and of the hands, on laughing. Tension in the joints of the hand. Cramp-like contraction of the hands. Heat of the hands, burning in the hands. The tips of the fingers are covered with cold sweat. Paralytic weakness of the wrists and of the fingers, especially on grasping an object. Fine granulated, and itching eruption on the hands. Extremities of the fingers become ulcerated. Persons who have never fully recovered from the exhausting effects of some previous illness. Weakness of memory and slowness of thought.

Causticum: Tearing in right wrist-joint. Drawing pains in the hands, and the joints of the fingers. Spasmodic weakness and trembling of the hands. Paleness and painful torpor of the fingers. Pains in the arms at night. Drawing pains and acute pulling, in the arms and hands. Convulsive movements and shocks in the arms. Itching and eruptions on the arms. Shooting pains in the front part of the arms, from the fingers to the elbow. Paralytic feeling in the right hand. Sensation of fullness in the hands, on grasping an object.tension of the posterior joints of the fingers when bending them. Contraction and induration of the tendons of the fingers.

Silicea: Ganglion on wrist. Gnawing, purulent vesicles, with burning in fingers. Tearing, drawing, sticking pain in fingers as if suppurating. Numb feelings of a finger, as though it were enlarged and the bone swollen. Pain as from a splinter in flexor surface of one finger. Panaritium, especially with vegetation, cries and insupportable pains day and night. Drawing and tearing in arms, hands and fingers. Heaviness and paralytic weakness of arms worse by least exertion.Throbbing and jerking of muscles of arm. Paralytic weakness of the forearm, everything is dropped from the hands. Induration of the cellular tissue of the forearm. Nocturnal shootings in wrist, extending to the top of arm. Tearing pain in wrists and ball of hand. Profuse sweat of the hands. Ganglion on back of hand. Ulcer on back of hand. Tingling in fingers. Burning sensation in ends of fingers.

Other indicated remedies: Apis, Bryonia, Calc.carb, Calc.flour, Heclalava, Lapis.alb, Thuja etc.

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