Premature ejaculation implies the early release of semen, much before the man’s partner wants him to. The ejaculation may also occur shortly after penetration without the individual’s control. As the partner is dissatisfied with such sexual performance, PE leads to complications in relationships.  

A person facing PE can visit a sex specialist to discuss this matter. Additionally, many foods can help men gain control over their release of sperm. This account covers some food items that are readily available and help treat premature ejaculation.

  • Watermelon – This fruit leads to arginine production in the body. Arginine helps in the dilation of blood vessels. Thus, the penile muscles get an adequate blood supply that can make the penis healthy and help treat PE. 
  • Garlic – This food has many roles to play in sexual health. It has hypertensive attributes and regulates blood pressure. As it controls hypertension, it also helps one gain control over the release of semen. People with hypertension in their genetic history can try taking garlic to see the results in their sexual performance.  
  • Spinach – Thisedible flowering plant is rich in folic acid, which improves the body’s blood circulation. A daily intake of 185 g of this food renders around 75% of the folate quantity that an average person needs. Moreover, spinach is rich in magnesium, which increases testosterone levels.  
  • Chilli Peppers – Not many people like spicy and hot flavors, but including some quantity of this food can help treat PE. Chilies contain capsaicin, which boosts levels of testosterone, per some research. 
  • Green Tea – This food item has many health benefits and people have switched to it from other beverage forms in the recent past. It is an antioxidant that leads to the regulation of the blood supply. Hence, it can boost overall sexual health and treat premature ejaculation. 

The ClosingThoughts 

Including the above foods, in your diet can help you gain control over your ejaculation. You can try these food items and check for the results in your sexual performance. You can also visit a trusted Ayurvedicsexologist in Delhi for more natural treatment procedures for premature ejaculation.