Orthodontic treatment can bring about correction of malaligned teeth and jaws. This treatment, if carried out during growth period of an individual will give stable and successful results. Ideally, first Orthodontic consultation should be carried out when the child turns 7 years.
We can either have fixed or removable Orthodontic appliances to bring corrections. As the name suggest, removable appliance can be taken out by patient for the purpose of cleaning them, whereas Fixed appliances can not be taken out by patient. The greatest advantage of Fixed appliances , is that entire treatment is controlled by the Orthodontist.
Shown in the picture, on top right, we have Stainless Steel Orthodontic Appliances, and Ceramic appliances on top left side. Both the appliances will work similarly and give desired results. The Ceramic appliances have the added advantage of aesthetics. It is not visible. Bottom picture is of Invisible or Lingual appliances. This appliance is not seen at all. This feature can be of great advantage to patients who are in the show business,, air hostesses, etc. Needless, to say, Invisible appliances require special cleaning protocol, and special speech efforts.
There are specific indications for different types of Orthodontic appliances, which can be determined after examination of patient and other diagnostic records.