Pain, irritation or excessive crying while passing urine should not be ignored as it could be sign of urinary tract infection. If urinary infection spreads it can cause damage to kidney in children.Other causes of Pain during urination could be local injury, stones (which are small masses of minerals).
UTI (urinary tract infection) is the most common cause of pain during passage of urine.What are the common sign and symptoms of UTI? :
- Increased frequency of urine i.e UrgencyBurning sensation while passing urine
- Blood in urine
- Lower back pain
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Poor appetite
What can be done at home :
- Do not panic
- Give one dose of Ibuprofen to make child comfortable
- Encourage child to drink lots of water and other fluids, like juices (some say cranberry juice is best).
- Call your child doctor (if child is not able to pass urine or having severe pain not responding to medication).
- Follow your doctor’s advice
- Do not give Antibiotics without consulting your doctor and without sending sample for Urine routine and microscopy.
Investigations done to confirm urinary infection:
- Urine routine:
- pus cells ( mid stream clean catch urine sample)
- Nitrate positive
- Leukocyte Esterase positive
- Urine Culture is gold standard test (but takes 48 hours for report to come)
- Beside your regular pediatrician, you can consult pediatric nephrologist for expert opinion if needed ( so that further plan of action can be made like Ultrasound, DMSA scan, MCU in case infection comes to be positive)
How to prevent Urinary Infection :
- Change diapers frequently. Soiled diaper to be removed right away.
- Encourage child to go to bathroom at regular interval.
- Prevent child from holding urine for long.
- Avoid perfumed soaps.
- Wash genital area with mild soap and water.
- Wipe potty from front to back (especially in girls). This will avoid contact of soiled potty particle to come in contact with urinary and genital area.
- Adolescent kids to be screened for sexually transmitted diseases.
Feel free to discuss with your child specialist or pediatric nephrologist.