The two most common problems in men due to which many couples get frustrated in their sexual life are PE and erectile dysfunction. These problems mainly occur when men fail to delay ejaculation during sexual activity. This situation creates a huge problem for men to enjoy sexual activity. This problem also creates huge psychological pressure on men. Anxiety, stress, and depression are some common causes of PE. 

Exercises for the best treatment

 Experts mention that PE and ED in men can get cured easily by just following a healthy lifestyle. Doctors recommend some exercises that can delay ejaculation and help you enjoy your sexual life.  

  • Kegel Exercises- To enhance sexual activity and delay ejaculation, first, all men need to do kegel exercises. This exercise is one of the most effective ways of firming pelvic floor muscles. Once this muscle becomes strong, it will work better on the bladder, rectum, and small intestine. 
  •  Edging process- Men who feel that they are suffering from permanent PE, can practice the edging process. In this process, you need to stimulate the penis through masturbation or sex until you reach orgasm. Once you feel that you are close to orgasm, you have to stop completely to delay the orgasm. 
  • Practice yoga- Practicing yoga is beneficial for the overall improvement of health.     Once you start practicing yoga daily, it will enhance your sexual performance. Yoga will boost your power, and stamina and will keep your pelvic floor muscles strong.

The above are some effective workouts that will help men to avoid Erectile dysfunction and Premature ejaculation.  Not just exercise but a change in lifestyle is also important to witness the change in your sexual disorder.  We insist you connect with one of the best sexologists in Delhi for your treatment. A sexologist will understand your condition better and besides recommending the exercises he will guide you aboutother lifestyle changes. Following the instructions of sexologists will help you to recover from this sexual disorder faster. There is nothing to worry about as long you have a good sexologist to assist you in overcoming the problem.