These are prefabricated crown forms that are adapted to individual teeth and cemented with a biocompatible luting agent . Hence, stainless steel crowns have become popular in rehabilitation of grossly lost tooth structure in primary young permanent teeth.
It was introduced as chrome-steel crown by Humphrey and Engel in 1950 ; with significantly improved crowns by Unitek in 1960s. A number of literature researches have been carried out and the results however were in favor that stainless steel crowns are superior to amalgam restorations for multi-surface cavities in primary molar teeth.
The following article will make an attempt to enlighten the indications, contraindications, composition,advantages, disadvantages, and techniques for use of stainless steel crowns.
Pre-formed Stainless Steel Crown Kit
When are stainless steel crowns given??
Extensive caries
Extensive decalcification
Rampant caries
Recurrent caries
Following pulp therapy
Inherited or acquired enamel defects. Eg:- hypoplasia, amelogenesis imperfecta
Severe bruxism
As an intermediate restoration
As a part of space maintainers
In children with high caries rate
As an abutment teeth to prosthesis
In case of fractured young permanent teeth
When are stainless steel crowns not given??
Primary molars close to exfoliation
Molars with more than half the roots resorbed
Mobile teeth
Teeth that are not restorable
Patients with known nickel allergy
Why are stainless steel crowns used ??
Very durable and less prone to fracture
Cost effective and comfortable to the patient
Protects and supports the remaining tooth structure
Can be completed in a single appointment
No need for laboratory procedures
Less time consuming than cast restorations
Risks in the use of stainless steel crowns.
Significant amount of tooth structure is removed
Poor marginal adaptation may cause gingivitis
Gingival inflammation due to excess unremoved cement
Requires patient co-operation
Cannot be used in case of nickel allergy
How to use stainless steel crowns? (Procedure)
Select an appropriate size crown.
Local anesthesia and isolation.
Occlusal reduction of 1.0 - 1.5 mm.
Proximal reduction to establish 2 to 5 degree taper.
Reduce and round of all line angles.
Trial fit- Festooning
No more than 1 mm of crown should be sub-gingival; so trim the excess with scissors and smoothen the edges.
Cement with glass ionomer cement. Seat the lingual aspect first.
Allow to set. Remove the excess.
Polish the crown with acidulated phosphate fluoride prophylaxis paste.