Health compromising behaviours are habitual in nature and hence difficult to treat. These behaviours have a major impact on the social and psychological functioning adversely. It is very important to understand the causal factors of these health compromising behaviours and counter them effectively. Such actions include smoking, drinking, drugging, practicing unsafe sex, etc. 

Peer pressure is one of those reasons that is heavily tied to continue the prevalence of the health compromising behaviours. Adolescents are at special risks to be adhering to these vulnerable situations and therefore, increasing the probability of several health issues at a younger age. These health behaviours are also intimately bound up with the self-presentation process - to appear “cool” or “sophisticated." 

Various risky thrill-seeking behaviours that enhance pleasure and apparently help individuals to cope with stressful situations are also a part of health compromising behaviours. These unhealthy coping strategies develop over a period of time and occur in a process for example, an individual encounters with alcohol, becomes susceptible to it, experiments with it, engages regularly, and later becomes physically and psychologically dependent on it. As a result of engaging in such health compromising behaviours, individuals are likely to have major conflict with their families, friends, school, workplaces, etc. Those with a penchant for deviant behaviours, with low self esteem, problematic family relations often breed such behaviours. 

However, with professional help, these behaviours can be tackled and modified into health-seeking behaviours, thereby helping the individuals with improving their physical, mental, social, emotional well-being and hence improving their quality of life.