What, then, is causing the obesity epidemic? 

many dietitians say it's refined carbohydrates. Sugar and processed grains like white bread which have become ubiquitous in our diets, and one of the reasons refined carbs is the prime culprit is that we've spent far too long chastising fat. "We have to forget the low-fat paradigm."  "Some high fat foods like avocado, nuts and olive oil are among the healthiest foods we could possibly eat. but the portion size should be noted ."

Refined carbohydrates spike insulin levels. Insulin, is the granddaddy of anabolic hormones. Basically, when you eat a lot of refined carbs, like say, a 100-calorie pack of Oreos, it causes a surge of insulin that will   trigger your fat cells to soak up calories—but there are not enough calories and nutrients to provide the energy that our bodies need. The brain recognizes this discrepancy and triggers a hunger response that also slows our metabolism. We are then going to want to eat more.

Instead of counting calories, we should be focusing on the quality of the food we consume. "If you just try to eat less and exercise more, most people will lose that battle. Metabolism wins. "Simply looking at calories is misguided at best and potentially harmful because it disregards how those calories are affecting our hormones and metabolism—and ultimately 

 it causes a surge of insulin that will trigger your fat cells to soak up calories—but there are not enough calories and nutrients to provide the energy that our bodies need. The brain recognizes this discrepancy and triggers a hunger response that also slows our metabolism. We are then going to want to eat more.But there are not enough calories and nutrients to provide the energy that our body needs

Effortless Ways to Lose Weight and Eat Healthy

Most people get wrapped up in the details and strategies of a particular diet and never get around to actually following it. I like to keep things simple. I’d prefer to abandon the details, understand the main idea, and actually make adjustments.

I don’t have all the answers, of course, but here’s what is working for me right now and how you can use these ideas to eat healthy, lose weight, and gain muscle.

How to Buy Healthy Food Without Thinking

The problem is that — if you’re anything like me — you will eat whatever is close to you, whether it came from Mother Nature or not. As a result, the best strategy is to surround yourself with healthy food.

Here’s how I do it…

When I go to the grocery store, I only walk around the “outer ring” of the store. I don’t walk down the aisles. The outer ring is where the healthy food usually lives: fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, and nuts. These are items that grew or lived outdoors. That’s what I eat.

The aisles are where all of the boxed and processed stuff is placed. Don’t go down those aisles and you won’t buy those foods. Don’t buy those foods and they won’t be around for you to eat.

Try this the next time you go to the store and do your best to not to make exceptions.

How to Eat Less Without Thinking

A lot of people want to lose weight, burn fat, and build a lean body. Maybe you do too.

In my experience, the simplest way to do this is to buy healthier foods and eat less overall. If you combine these two strategies with consistency and exercise, then the rest usually takes care of itself. I already covered my simple approach to buying healthier food, so here are the two best strategies I’ve discovered for eating less.