Diabetes is on the lips of every person above the age of 25. It is a situation that everyone wants to avoid but without having to cut off from their habits. Its a situation of indulging in your habits and vices without being watched and praying that all be well.

Before we embark on a journey of “Let’s fight diabetes” as hospitals and laboratories advertise, can we spend sometime to understand how our body functions?

Our body has a digestive system. It comprises of the stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen and the small and large intestines. The human body is designed, like every other animal’s body, to function in harmony. Note this statement down… “The human body is designed to function in harmony”. Stress causes variations in the body, and the body still tries to maintain a balance despite all odds.

The body, changes its functioning to accommodate itself to the new you who is living in stress, the altered process. These changes are reflected in the blood as sugar variations and in some cases, urine sugars also are indicated.

There are certain symptoms which are considered indicators of diabetes;

1. Frequent urination

2. Excessive thirst

3. Increased hunger

4. Weight loss

5. Fatigue

Well, here are some facts you will like to know;

1. Frequently Urination - May also happen when your bladder does not collapse completely. It may not be an error proof diagnosis in detecting diabetes. What is error proof though is the fact that if you were a diabetic, passing sugars through your urine, your urine will attract ants.

2. Excessive thirst - Can be caused by bent up anger. When you feel angry and want to bad mouth someone but stop in the nick of time, your fiery words are retained in the mouth, this causes your salivary glands to swell and it stops secreting saliva. Feel your chin. If it feels hard, chances are that you’re holding onto anger. Poke your right hand fingers into your chin and feel the saliva squirt and lo… your dry mouth symptom is gone.
 Practice this once or twice daily and within a few days, your dry mouth symptom may be gone.

3. Increased hunger - The precursor to diabetes is a fatty liver. A fatty liver is a low metaboliser. This means, the food to energy conversion rate is poor, and you feel fatigued after eating. The common mistake and also a habit is that we eat when we are tired. This is wrong. Instead, recline or lie down until your body feels comfortably rested, fresh, hungry and and ready to digest its next meal.

4. A sudden loss of weight indicates that your liver is unable to process the foods you are giving your body. It instead converts the body’s fat deposits into glucose and tries to fill the body’s energy requirement. This consumption of fat causes loss of weight. It’s not an alarming condition if detected early and appropriate steps taken. Moderation in diet, both in quantity and quality and eating when hungry can bring encouraging changes in the body. You can prevent diabetes.

5. Fatigue - Usually occurs when we eat untimely meals and also overeat. There are two reasons for us to feel fatigue; 

 a. Anger - causes excess bile secretions from the gall bladder, excess enzyme secretions in the liver, excess insulin secretion from the pancreas, stronger acid secretions in the stomach and intestines. This causes fatigue in the body. 

 b. A sense of low self worth - can cause you to gobble up food and create a fat pad around yourself which is a way of nurturing and caring for yourself. Though this is not the best way, it serves you and you continue to indulge until you’re diagnosed with a disorder.

Your body is a very intelligent and self healing one. Provide the conditions to it and it will bounce back in the fastest and best way.

Get your checks done thoroughly. Question your doctor and clarify yourself in every way without leaving anything to doubt. Avoid starting off your medicines. Try natural methods of moderating your diet, lifestyle and bring more happiness and cheer into your life. 

Engage your mind healthy and exercise your body regularly. You’ll surely see encouraging results.

— Mahesh Krishnamurthy