Make sure you eat foods that contain antioxidants such as curcumin (haldi) and green vegetables. “Curcumin, when combined with good fat (ghee, for example) and pepper, can heal your body at the cellular level. 

Vegetables can provide an electron to free radicals, thus preventing these free radicals from turning cancerous,” says Bawri.Make sure to include foods like yogurt, oats, garlic, and mushrooms in your diet. 

“When it comes to the immune system, gut health is very important. Yogurt is an excellent probiotic with healthy bacteria that protects the gut against disease-causing bacteria.

 Oats and barley are rich in beta-glucans that help make the immune system stronger, while garlic contains Allicin which fights harmful bacteria and infections. Similarly, studies have recently shown that shiitake, maitake and reishi mushrooms increase the production and activity of white blood cells, making them more aggressive,” says Coutinho.