Cirrhosis is a chronic liver condition caused by various liver diseases. In this condition, there is a gradual decrease in the ability of a liver to function properly. The healthy tissues of the liver are replaced by the scar tissues that partly block the blood flow through the liver. When the liver stops functioning properly and reaches its final stage of failure, most of its healthy cells start to shrink and the liver undergoes fibrosis. It is not easy to recover from this stage, but Ayurvedic treatment can help regenerate healthy liver cells. The liver is responsible for a number of important functions including detoxifying the body from all the toxins and fighting with infections. However, when there is an abundance of toxins in the body, it hinders the proper functioning of the liver.

If the toxins are too much, Hepatocyte cells (collectively form the parenchymal tissue of the liver) swell, tear off, and get congested with fatty deposits while clearing out the toxins. If the toxins are still there, the liver cells give up entirely and die and ultimately get covered with a fibrous scar. This stage of liver damage is known as Cirrhosis of the Liver.

Liver Cirrhosis can be caused by a number of reasons such as:

  • Hepatitis
  • Regular excessive alcohol consumption
  • Cryptogenic Cirrhosis.
  • Excessive consumption of drugs or medications for other medical problems.
  • Primary Biliary Cirrhosis.
  • Fatty liver diseases such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, or diabetes.

Liver Cirrhosis and Ayurveda

The modern treatment of Liver Cirrhosis is limited to symptom relief and complication handling. It is difficult to revive the liver cells, but in Ayurveda, there are herbs and remedies that may treat Liver Cirrhosis effectively and naturally. 

In Ayurveda, the liver is referred to as Yakrit. Mostly, liver disorders are the result of serious Pitta dosha problems. Extreme production of bile juice or a blockage in the bile flow typically points to high Pitta dosha. This imbalanced Pitta dosha affects the enzyme which is responsible for metabolism, absorption, and digestion. In Ayurveda, Liver Cirrhosis is called Kumbha Kamala. This stage results because of the untreated or neglected stage of hepatitis or jaundice, which becomes chronic and leads to the roughness of the Liver.

Ayurvedic treatment of Liver Cirrhosis depends upon the cause, severity of the liver damage, and related health problems. The very first objective of the treatment is to stop further scarring of liver cells and tissues which will gradually lead to improved liver function. The treatment varies from person to person but the objective remains to revive one’s Liver and help it to function normally and properly.


Ayurveda uses herbs, remedies, changes in diet, and detoxification of the body for the treatment of Liver Cirrhosis.