It is well-known that the monsoon season is a hotbed of infections, allergies, and diseases in India. 

Water- and food-borne diseases are a special threat during monsoons. There is a lot of information out there on how to avoid falling sick, strengthen your immunity, and follow endless precautionary measures. 

A lot of these tips have been circulating for ages, especially about what to eat and drink during monsoons, and what to avoid. However, not all of the advice is correct or necessarily based on scientific evidence. 

Let's look at some of these monsoon dietary tips and separate fact from fiction. 

1. Eating curd during the monsoon season could make you sick.

This is not true! The common advice is to opt for warmer foods during the cool weather of monsoons and avoid cooling foods such as curd that could make you fall ill. 

However, curd is a probiotic (food with live bacteria which are beneficial for your health) that helps in nutrient absorption and improves gut immunity. 

It also helps in soothing the stomach during infections, which are a common occurrence during the monsoons. So, go ahead and enjoy curd even when it rains. 

2. You should avoid seafood during monsoons.

This is a fact, although with an attached condition. During monsoons, fishermen avoid going to the sea because of the rough weather. Thus, there is a lack of fresh seafood. 

Also, monsoon is the breeding season for several varieties of fish, which is why they may not be available right then. 

The seafood available during monsoons is mostly frozen stock, which may not have been stored in hygienic conditions and could end up giving you a stomach infection or food poisoning. Thus, it is better to avoid seafood during monsoons unless you can be sure of its freshness.

3. Stay away from green leafy vegetables in the rainy season.

This is fiction. One of the reasons people avoid leafy vegetables during monsoons is the fear that the humid temperature might promote the growth of germs on the vegetables. 

However, green leafy vegetables are safe to consume even in monsoons as long as you wash and disinfect them thoroughly to get rid of any dirt and germs present on their surface. 

Avoid consuming any leafy vegetables raw. It is advisable to steam, blanch, or cook them to ensure that all germs are killed. 

4. You could develop a cold or cough from eating ice cream during the monsoon season.

This, again, is far from a fact and may come from the idea of avoiding cooling foods during the monsoons. 

However, cough and cold are caused by bacterial and viral infections, and most ice creams undergo pasteurization (treating foods with mild heat to eliminate pathogens) during preparation and are free from bacteria and viruses. 

Thus, a hygienically made and stored ice cream is unlikely to cause cough and cold and can safely be consumed even during the rains. 

5. Chicken soup will help your cold symptoms disappear in the monsoons. 

This is true, not just for chicken soup, but also for any hot soup. Soup of any kind is warming and nourishing for the body during the cool monsoon weather. 

It helps soothe a sore throat and reduces inflammation (pain, redness, and swelling), which will quickly reduce your cold symptoms and speed up your recovery. 

So, feel free to dig into chicken soup, or a soup of your choice made with fresh and healthy ingredients while it pours outside. 

6. Drink ginger tea during monsoons for better overall health.

Every tea lover will attest to this fact! Ginger is a spice that generates warmth and is well-suited for the cool weather during monsoons. 

It is antiseptic (a substance that reduces the possibility of infection) and anti-inflammatory in nature, and helps combat various respiratory problems such as cold, cough, influenza (flu), and asthma.

Ginger improves absorption of food and boosts metabolism, which helps in preventing indigestion. 

Further, it boosts blood circulation and strengthens your immunity. So, go ahead and add ginger to your teas, herbal teas, soup, and hot water this monsoon. 

7. Eating out during monsoons is a big no-no.

This is unfortunately a fact! Especially in India, the monsoon is the best breeding ground for bacteria and viruses due to the humidity, water pollution, and unclean environment. 

Since you cannot be sure of the conditions in which the food was prepared, it is best to avoid eating out during the monsoons to save yourself from catching infections and food poisoning. 

Stick to freshly cooked, homemade food to satisfy your taste buds during the monsoons.

These tips will help you stay healthy and safe during the monsoons. However, you do not need to panic and can have fun in the season while taking all precautionary measures. 

Don't forget to enjoy the rain with a hot cup of your favourite beverage!


1. 2021. Best Kidney Hospital in Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam | Urology | Nephrology | Robotic Surgery | Uro-oncology. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 August 2021].

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