Here are probable causes why you have sensitivity:

  • Mouthwash: Mouthwashes are great and they are made for a reason, to have a refreshing breath. However if you overdo it, they are not so great for your teeth and mouth. This is because they contain acidic substances that can cause sensitivity in teeth.
  • Foods with high acid content: Too much consumption of acidic foods such as tomatoes and other citrus fruit juices leads to erosion of top layer of teeth called enamel making them thinner. This causes the exposure of your second outermost layer dentin causing teeth sensitivity.
  • Teeth bleaching/ Whitening: Excessive use of whitening products, even in your toothpaste can cause enamel erosion that will eventually cause tooth sensitivity.
  • Teeth grinding: This otherwise called Bruxism often happens when you are asleep. Reasons could be misalignment of teeth, stress, habit etc. If you do this, there is a chance that your teeth will become sensitive as its natural structure worn down with the frequent grinding of teeth. You need a night guard to prevent frictional attrition of upper and lower teeth.
  • Gum recession: Gum recession can also bring about teeth sensitivity. This is because the roots of your teeth are actually protected by your gums and if your gums recede, the roots gets to be exposed which cause the sensitivity of your teeth.
  • Dental work: Teeth sensitivity often is one of the effects of the recent dental procedures. This is nothing to worry about as these are just the temporary effect that often goes away after a week or so.

              When you encounter teeth sensitivity, contact your dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment plans. Because there can be other serious causes of teeth sensitivity like hidden dental decay which is not noticeable with naked eyes, deeply decayed tooth requiring root canal treatment etc. Tooth sensitivity is tooth discomfort in one or more teeth that is triggered by hot, cold, sweet or sour foods and drinks, touching the teeth with other teeth or the tongue or even by breathing cold air. The pain is often sharp and sudden, but it is temporary. Teeth sensitivity can mean significant pain and it often impacts daily activities, such as eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth.

While you can often self-treat generalized tooth sensitivity, see your dentist if:

  • Your teeth are persistently sensitive when pressure is applied.
  • A single tooth which is persistently sensitive, could indicate that its pulp is infected or dying.
  • Sensitivity doesn't decrease even after two weeks of using desensitizing toothpaste.
  • You have dental pain that lasts more than an hour.
  • The gums around a sensitive tooth change color.
  • You have any obvious decay.