Dentistry for Children: 
Paediatric dentistry is a very gentle method of dental treatment of children which aims to make a visit to the dentist a more comfortable experience for your children. We have purpose built area specifically designed to make your children feel relaxed and at ease. The Children's Dental Centre is dedicated to encouraging as many children as we can reach, to adopt good habits in dental hygiene.
To this end, we offer reduced fee dental services to underprivileged children. Although the centre would like to offer its services as broadly as possible, it is necessary to establish eligibility guidelines pertaining to prospective patients.

Children's Teeth 
Children's teeth begin forming before they are even born. The first primary, or baby teeth, to erupt through the gums are the lower central incisors. These are followed closely by the upper central incisors which come through around four months after birth. Although all twenty primary teeth have usually appeared by the time the child reaches three years old, the pace and order of eruption varies from child to child.
Oral care should begin soon after birth. Gums should be cleaned after each feeding. You should begin brushing your child's teeth as soon as they appear.

Pit and Fissure Sealings for Teeth of Children 
At the age of six years, permanent molar erupts in children. The deep grooves are prone to caries. In case of children, this grooves can be sealed in order to prevent decay. This is called pit and fissure sealings treatment for children.

Dental Care for Children
You should always clean your infant's gums after feeding. Gums should be wiped with a clean, damp cloth or gauze pad. Parents should brush children's teeth daily with a soft wet toothbrush and a pea sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. When children are very young it is necessary to supervise their brushing to ensure proper brushing habits are adopted. Your dentist will probably recommend regular fluoride treatments which will strengthen enamel and help your child’s teeth resist decay. To prevent your child suffering from nursing bottle mouth, you must give your baby a bottle at nap or bed time. Fill the bottle with plain water and not milk, formula or juice.


Is Root Canal Treatment of Milk Tooth necessary?
There was a time when countless milk teeth were extracted stating that they are just "temporary tooth" or "milk teeth know ,anyhow it is going to fall" and for so many other reasons. But the milk teeth are there for a specific purpose. Each and every milk teeth has to stay for a particular period of time. The change in dietary habits have resulted in a lot of milk teeth getting decayed at an earlier stage than before. These milk teeth have to be preserved whenever possible. They are the natural SPACE MAINTAINERS which are there to preserve the space for permanent teeth. Whenever a milk tooth is decayed badly, where a normal filling cannot be placed root canal treatment has to be considered before removal of tooth is considered.

How many sittings it will require to perform root canal treatment for a milk tooth?
It can be performed in single as well as multiple sittings. The pediatric dentist will decide the best method depending upon the situation.

Is the procedure painful?
No, it is not painful. If necessary the pediatric dentist can anesthetize the tooth and carry out the procedure.

After root canal treatment will the milk tooth will fall on its own?
Yes, after root canal treatment the tooth is almost like a natural tooth. It will fall on its own.

After root canal treatment is follow up necessary?
Yes, after root canal treatment the tooth has to be monitored at least once in every six months.

Is there any way to prevent this?
Yes, and the only way is to detect tooth decay early and treat it. If we detect tooth decay early we can save the tooth by a normal filling. It is better not to wait until pain develops, because once pain develops then preserving the tooth needs extensive treatment like root canal treatment. Hence it is always better to start the FIRST DENTAL VISIT when the first milk tooth erupts into the mouth (between 8-12 months of age). If the first dental visit has taken place at this stage one can completely prevent tooth decay if the parents strictly follow the pediatric dentists instructions.