Chemical peeling agents are used to improve the texture of the skin. Chemical peels are intended to remove the outermost layer of the skin by controlled chemical burns. The dead skin eventually peels off. The regenerated skin is more smooth, lighter and less wrinkled.

Various types of peeling agents are available- glycolic acid peel for pigmentation and anti ageing, salicylic acid peel for acne, lactic acid peel for glow etc


  1.  Acne, superficial acne scars
  2.  Pigmentary  condition - melasma, photomelanosis
  3.  Photoageing, fine lines
  4.  Under eye circles

Amount of skin getting peeled depends on the type of chemical used and for how long peel was kept on face. Immediate redness of skin is seen after procedure. With in next 3 to 5 days slight scaling of skin develops. After one week glowing and smooth skin becomes evident. 

Don't do facial and bleaching one week prior and immediately post peel.

Don’t wax or use any form of hair removal 1 week before and up to 1 week after treatments.

Don’t expose your skin to heat or UV rays.

Don't try to remove exfoliating skin.

Don't use scrubber for one week post peel.