Acne state involves the build-up of sebum in the pores of the skin. Sebum is an oily substance made by the sebaceous glands under the skin. When this becomes stuck, it can form pimples on the surface of the skin. These are small, red, pus-filled spots or zits.

The common spots for acne are on the face, chest, shoulders, and back.

How Is Acne Treated?

These 3 common types of drugs which have proven to be effective for the treatment of acne are-- antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, and retinoid. Most of the people require at least one or two types of drugs, depending on the severity of their acne. 

First is Benzoyl peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide is available as an OTC product which targets surface bacteria, that often make worse acne. Irritation and dryness is a common side effect. 

Second is Retinoids: Retinoids contains vitamin A end product, for example, Differin, Retin-A, Tazorac which treat blackheads and whiteheads, the first abrasions of acne. The most common side effect is irritation.

Third is Antibiotics: Antibiotics are either directly applied to the skin like erythromycin and clindamycin or taken orally tetracycline and its derivatives control surface bacteria and reduce inflammation in the skin. Antibiotics becomes more effective when combined with benzoyl peroxide or retinoid. 

How Can Acne Be Prevented?

To prevent acne and reduce its damage to your skin: 

Choose a cleanser which is specially formulated for acne. It contains salicylic acid or benzoyl  peroxide, which help to clear acne. Clean your face gently, as soreness to the acne breakouts may worsen the acne or cause scarring. When washing your face, use your hands or cotton pads. 

If you need to use a moisturiser, use only light, non comedogenic moisturisers, which do not worsen acne. Heavy makeup or other cosmetic products that block pores may cause a outburst of acne. Avoid using heavy makeup products and use an oil-free foundation.