Premature ejaculation is a condition where a male cannot sustain for more than 2 minutes without ejaculating. It is considered to be a condition that comes and goes and is even common. The study also found that about 15% of men aged between 15 and 45reported PE within the last year.

The good news is that PE is not the permanent problem and the ones suffering from it; there are some of the medical treatments that can help to overcome the problem.

Causes of premature ejaculation

To understand PE and how to overcome it, it is essential to know about the reasons. The first thing to remember is that there are two types of premature ejaculation : primary and secondary.

Primary is a problem from the time when you become active sexually and is more likely to be lifelong. In contrast, secondary PE is acquired later in life and is more likely to be temporary.

Different things can lead to PE, and often various factors will combine to result in the condition. These tend to fall into physical, psychological, and lifestyle and can be subject to change.

How can premature ejaculation be treated?

There might not be any miracle cure for it, but the best thing is that most of the factors can be managed with the help of the right treatments. Psychological conditions like anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, and emotional issues in a relationship can be tackled by counselling and, if needed, then by medication.

Conditioned behaviors around ejaculation and heightened sensitivity can be countered with some of the exercises like stop-start technique.

In some cases where these methods aren’t appropriate or aren’t working, medicated treatments can be prescribed to treat premature ejaculation.

The important thing is not to worry or let your anxiety build. Consult the best sexologist, and you’ll overcome it with the best results.