There is no specific age limit till which one can get dental implants. Majority of patients undergo dental implant option at the age of 65 years and above. There has been a record of a 90 year old patient getting dental implants, successfully without any complication. A person who is elderly to get a dental implant as an option for replacing his missing teeth, should consult a dentist and get the quality and the quantity of bone checked, required to place an implant. So, that the treatment done ensures success.

Risk factors associated with elderly patients:·

1. CHRONOLOGICAL AGE: Age is the main factor considered while getting any dental treatment done. Chronological age factor, itself is considered as the risk factor affecting the success rate for dental implants.Generally, bone space and soft tissues should be reserved for better osseointegration in the long run. In older patients healing time is longer involving more systemic factors leading to poor local bone condition.

2. PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS: A dentist with whom you plan to get a dental implant must be aware of physiological, metabolic and endocrine changes with growing ages, and how are they associated with implant treatment. The completion of bone accumulation, in human beings is achieved at the age of 30 years, approximately. Your bone mineral density (BMD) reaches at peak at the age of 25- 30 years. Gradually, after 30 years of age the bone starts to become weak day-by-day.

3. QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF BONE: Quality of bone is required for good osseointegration and quantity is required for the lengthy implants to be place. Long implants hold good in the bone making it stay for long, which is important for initial stability. There are many significant differences observed regarding implant failures due to change in size, shape and density of bone,and sometimes the implant length.

4. SYSTEMIC COMPLICATIONS: Systemic complications can play a great role in contraindicating the surgical procedure of implant placement. The care should be taken, as implant surgery presents same contraindication as any bone surgery. It is important to be aware of the general problems of the patient such as coronary disease, on anticoagulant therapy, diabetic, increased blood pressure and osteoporosis. Patients with diabetes have always shown delayed healing and micro-vascular disease, diminished response to infection and can cause periodontal disease, are some of the potential factors to be noted when planning to place an implant. Altered bone anatomy is observed in diabetic patients interfering with integration process.

5. ADAPTATION AND MAINTENANCE: Patients with dental implant should take as a priority to maintain the prosthesis he has got. You should be able enough to adapt new changes in the mouth and make regular visits to keep a check on implants, with your dentist. More adaptation problems are seen in the older patients than in the younger ones, commonly the post insertion issues are more with the older patients.

Maintenance of good oral hygiene is important in elderly patients to have a long implant life. There are some points listed below:

1. Unlike your natural teeth, implants are also to be considered the same. Keep your teeth clean by brushing and flossing, daily.

2. Mostly the habit of chewing tobacco and areca nut is common in elderly patients. Such habits are strictly not recommended. Patient is made to understand the importance of maintain good oral hygiene.

3. Ask the patient to keep a regular check on systemic health like diabetes, anemia or cancer (if any) to avoid causing complication with the dental implant placed.


There is no limitation of age affecting the dental implants. A person who is healthy even with less life expectancy can opt for dental implants for replacing his missing teeth.