Did you know the relation between magnesium and PCOS? Read to know more!

Why Most Women with PCOS are Lacking Magnesium

The majority of Western diets don’t provide sufficient magnesium and as a result, most people are deficient. The World Health Organization estimates that 75% of Americans don’t meet the recommended daily intake (RDI) of magnesium. This could be due to many factors including poor soil concentrations, abundance of processed and refined foods that are stripped of magnesium, lack of fruits and vegetables, stress, alcohol, certain medications (birth control pills), taking too high amounts of other nutrients (calcium, sodium, and iron), and medical conditions such as insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome, which may interfere with the utilization of magnesium. Eating a high protein diet or too many foods that contain oxalic acid (found in spinach and chard), or phytic acid (found in seeds and grains) can affect the absorption of magnesium too.

5 Important Benefits of Magnesium

Prevents Migraines

Magnesium is a well-known treatment for headache and migraine pain. It works to relax blood vessels so they don’t narrow. In doing so, it prevents small clots that contribute to migraine tension. 

Acts as a Pain Reliever

A surprise to many people is that magnesium works as a pain reliever by reducing inflammation. Magnesium is a safe and effective treatment for relieving the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It supplementation of 250 mg daily has been shown to be helpful for lessening bloating, cravings, cramping and reducing anxiety and sleep disturbances associated with PMS. Chocolate is one of the most common foods women crave right before they start their periods. Chocolate is one of the highest food sources of magnesium. Coincidence? It has also been shown to be effective for preventing or ameliorating headaches or migraines and preventing dysmenorrhea (heavy blood flow).

Improves Mood

Anxiety is common in women with PCOS. Having low levels of magnesium can actually be an underlying cause of anxiety. A review of 18 studies published in Nutrients, showed that magnesium does have a beneficial effect for people with anxiety. Many symptoms of anxiety such as apathy, anxious behaviour, anger, nervousness, insomnia, rapid pulse, or heart palpitations may be reduced by supplementing with it. It works to calm the excitability of the nervous system to help reduce anxiety. Added bonus: Higher levels of magnesium can also help with sleep, which women with PCOS have difficulty with.

It can also help those suffering from depression. In a randomized trial published in PLOS One, adults who were given magnesium chloride (four 500 mg tablets of magnesium chloride daily for a total of 248 mg of elemental magnesium per day) for 6 weeks saw significant reductions in depressive symptoms, with noticeable changes in just 2 weeks. 

Reduces Insulin Resistance

Individuals with insulin resistance and those with metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes tend to be lacking it. One theory is that chronic insulin reduces magnesium levels. It is important to help glucose enter cells where it is used for energy. Part of its job in doing this is regulating the function and transport of insulin, which acts as a key to open the cell doors to glucose. Without enough magnesium, glucose doesn’t enter the cells in sufficient amounts. This can cause fatigue and difficulties regulating blood sugar. Sufficient levels of it can therefore improve insulin resistance and reduce your risk for developing type 2 diabetes. 

Lowers Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a risk factor for heart disease. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been shown to be an effective treatment to reduce high blood pressure as well as other metabolic aspects in women with PCOS. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of magnesium.The more magnesium in your cells, the more likely you are to have lower blood pressure.