Teeth helps us in speak, chew, smile and provide facial contour. If the tooth/teeth are lost it need to be immediately replaced before adjacent teeth get displaced. Any natural teeth extracted can be replaced with fixing Dental Implants.
3 teeth replacement options:
1. Fixing Dental Implants
2. Dental bridge
3. Removable denture Dental Implants are substitute for teeth and best option in today's world. - Secured and permanent teeth
- Dental Implants have success rate is above95 %
- Dental Implants look like natural teeth
- Dental Implants feel and act like real teeth
- Dental Implants improve taste of food
- Dental Implants maintain jaw bone structure Dental Implants eliminate bone atrophy that can leads to facial cosmetic changes.
Cost of Dental Implants Vary depending upon type and manufacturer of dental implants. With emerging dental technology affordable dental implants available in India. While choosing Dental Implants as fix teeth prosthesis, each case is different, need proper dental examination.
Your dentist or Dental Implants specialist will determine your dental needs and best treatment alternative for you.