Increased body fat percentage and being overweight result in lifestyle disorders that cause heart disease, hypothyroid, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Excessive saturated fat consumption increases the cholesterol levels in the body. Certain types of fat are bad for health and some are equally important which are commonly referred to us essential fat without which the body will fail to absorb and process nutrition in the body. Read here to know more about this.
The distribution of fat varies between genetics and gender. Women tend to store more subcutaneous fat which is under their skin. Distribution of fat in women is generally in their hips and thighs area while men tend to store more fat in the middle area or the abdomen. Once the person enters adolescence the fat cells don't increase in number instead they only increase or decrease in size. Its the male and female hormone that decide the fat deposit destination in the body. For example women with big bellies are considered to have higher levels of testosterone ( male hormone) in their system that causes fat accumulation on the stomach. While if men have large hips its due to the high levels of estrogen (female hormone) in that body part.
We presume that fat people are more prone to metabolic disorder ( also known as lifestyle disorders) but a study by Ruth Loos at the Medical Research Council in the U.K. found that lean people with a specific genetic variant were equally at risk of diabetes, heart disease even though the reports confirmed lower fat percentage in the body.
The subcutaneous (under the skin) fat which is deposited under the tissues doesn't cause much of metabolic disorder but fat accumulated deeper on the visceral (organs) is the main culprit that results in metabolic order diseases. So some people might be lean but the higher amount of fat percentage in their visceral can put them at risk of diabetes and heart diseases. The gene found in the study makes the body of the person collect more fat on the organs where it disturbs the normal functioning of the organs.
People who possessed this type of genes had consistent high level of blood cholesterol and were insulin resistant. Visceral fat has also been associated with insulin resistance where the hormones that enable glucose to enter the cells are unable to perform this function adequately resulting in higher blood sugar levels.
So its still very important to mind your eating habits and not eat fatty, processed unhealthy food which will lead to increase in visceral fat leading to lifestyle disorders also known as metabolic disorders.Choose the fats that are healthy and improve HDL and lower the bad cholesterol to let fat accumulation at the visceral with the help of a balanced diet and exercise. Incase you want to check the percentage of visceral fat in your body you can get a simple Body Composition Analysis done.