Food and stress go hand-in-hand.. Food is the only thing which control our mood. In the stressful conditions we either eat more or we don't eat anything. Food plays the major role in such conditions. Our favorite food can reduce the stress level but then again eating that in correct proportion is the major task.

Intake of nutritious food is a first step towards fighting over stress. we usually don't eat nutritious food at the time of stress and due to this we gain weight simultaneously we take more stress for  weight gain.

Adrenaline is produced when we take stress. stress alone cause many health related issues like weight gain issues, indigestion problems,etc.. When we are stressed we eat blindly without considering the portion size which causes indigestion problems. Either one will get constipated or one will face problem of loose stomach. Blind eating can include healthy food too but nothing is good when taken in access.. but mostly it includes junk food and fried food which does not contain enough of fiber and nutrients which causes indigestion.


  • Always eat breakfast. If you miss out your breakfast you are low on energy levels and you also gets mood swings. Having an apple can also go for those who are in a hurry. Missing breakfast also lower down your metabolism.
  • Go on healthy snacking like nuts, fruits,etc. Roasted chana, almonds are great idea for snacking.
  • Sometimes we are not hungry, we are thirsty. Drink plenty of water which lowers down your hunger pans. Still if you feel hungry then have something to eat.
  • Anti-oxidants like broccoli, tomatoes,strawberries,kiwi,etc helps in reducing stress.
  • Avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages as this may induce stress. excessive intake of tea and coffee is not the solution for relieving stress.
  • If you are craving for sweets or chocolates go for dark chocolates or fruit or fruit yogurt or fruit custard which will be low on sugar or fresh fruit home made shake,etc which are way more healthier than junk food.
  • Increase physical activity. Go for walk, yoga, swimming,etc. as physical activity produces a stress buster hormone.

TIP: Follow 6'S to live healthy life(Avoid Sugar, Avoid Salt,Right Sleep pattern, Avoid Smoke, Smile more often, Reduce Stress)

For a healthy schedule and guidance consult an experienced dietitian. Happy journey to health..