Bad breath also know know as Halitosis, is a common problem in most of the individuals,.
The main cause of this bad breath is improper oral hygiene maintenance.
Reasons for bad breath: there are two factors which cause this bad breath:
- Local factors
- Systemic factors.
Local factors include:
- Improper oral hygiene,
- Food lodgement/interdental food impaction.
- Dental caries.
- Faulty restorations where food lodgement occurs.
- Gum infections/Periodontal diseases.
- Healing wounds.
- Dentures not cleaned properly.
- Pericoronitis (Problem occurs with third molars/wisdom tooth.)
- Coatings on the tongue.
Systemic factors:
- Pharyngitis
- Tonsillitis
- Sinusitis
- Digestive system disorders
- Some renal (Kidney problems ex: trimethylaminuria.
- Diabetes patients
Other causes of halitosis (Bad breath):
- Excess usage of garlic,onions, tobacco,alcohol, betel etc.
- Halitophobia (Pseudo-halitosis)
Treatment and prevention of bad breath:
- Maintenance of good oral hygiene.
- Brushing your teeth twice a day.
- Change your brush minimum after 2 months.
- Gargling mouth with water after every meal/intake of food.
- Using dental floss/interdental cleaning aids along with your toothbrush.
- Using mouthwash prescribed by your dentist if needed.
- Professional cleaning of teeth if needed.
- Cleaning tongue properly.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Decreasing intake of garlic, onion and spicy food.
- Consult your physician for any systemic problems.
- Regular dental check up: Consult your dentist for every 6 months .
So, maintain good oral hygiene and be healthy, because ORAL HEALTH IS OVERALL HEALTH.
Thank you.