Ashwagandha is most popular, powerful and useful herb of Ayurveda. It gives strength and stamina like horse and is thus named Ashwagandha. Most often, the root of Ashwagandha is used in medicines.

Ayurvedic properties of Ashwagandha

 * It has katu, tikta and kashay rasa

*  It is snigdha, laghu (light to digest)

* Hot in potency

Health benefits of Ashwagandha

* Ashwagandha is rasayan, it rejuvenates, provide nourishments, delays aging, improves life expectancy and virility. It works as a health tonic. 

* It improves immunity, it can be used with ghee in children also to boost immunity.

* It improves muscular strength, good for those who are doing body building and regular gyming, better than any drink or supplement available in market. 

* Ashwagandha is used in both weight gain and weight lose.

* Helps in insomnia by calming mind, helps in better sleep.

* It is good for heart, it gives strength to heart muscles, reduces blood pressure by reducing stress, decrease cholesterol levels.

* It is good for liver.

* Ashwagandha improves blood circulation in body, helps in relieving numbness.

* Helpful in arthritis, relieve inflammation. 

*It is used in treatment of bodyache, fatigue and anemia.

* Ashwagandha is very beneficial for diabetic patients.

* It is used in respiratory problems specially in asthma.

* Used in leucoderma, helps in wound healing, itching and other skin problems.

* It is useful in female reproductive system disorders, it gives strength to uterus muscles, helpful in dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, used in treating infertility, prevent frequent miscarriage.

* It is useful in male sexual problems. It improves sperm count and quality. Used in treatment of ED, premature ejaculation etc

* It has aphrodisiac property. 

* It improves memory and intelligence by improving brain function.

* One of the best medicines for anxiety, depression, Parkinson, paralysis and other vata disorders as it pacify vata, acts as nervine tonic and soothes nerves.

How to use it?

It can be taken in powder or tablets form. It can be used with ghee or milk as suggested by the doctor. It is used in combination with other herbs according to requirement.