Q. Does regular cleaning/scaling weaken the teeth?

A. Professional cleaning or Scaling as it is known as, is absolutely harmless. Enamel of the tooth is the hardest substance in the human body therefore scaling cannot weaken the teeth .On the contrary scaling breathes life into our teeth and gums as this helps in removal of deposits like tartar and calculus which assemble on our teeth and gums causing them harm.

Q. What happens if I just ignore getting my teeth cleaned?

A. If teeth are not cleaned regularly then deposits like calculus and tartar will keep on attaching to the gums and teeth thus worsening gum disease .Supporting tissues around the teeth (gum, periodontal ligament and bone) will be lost .If bone is lost it will not re-grow without surgical intervention. Pockets will be formed which trap additional plaque. This will will result also in Bad breath.

Q. Will the removal of a tooth weaken my eyesight?

A. Tooth removal has absolutely nothing to do with eyesight. This is a misconception often expressed by patients undergoing tooth removal in the upper jaw. Pain in relation to the upper teeth often radiates to the cheek bone and the lower portion of the eyes therefore patients connect the two. Also teeth are removed usually in the middle and old age when the eyesight normally starts weakening.

Q. Is dental treatment painful?

A. Dentistry has come a long way from the times when treatment was done by road-side quacks. With huge advances in techniques, instruments and materials dental treatment has now become painless and a pleasant experience for all.

Q. My gums bleed when I brush. What should I do?                         

A. Bleeding from the gums is an indication for gum disease. This demands a visit to a Dental surgeon who may advise scaling, gum paints, mouthwashes etc .Sometimes the cause for bleeding may be a medical disorder.

Q. Does poor oral health affect general health?

A. Yes. Poor oral health may affect other parts of the body as well. Studies have now shown that people with gum diseases are more prone to heart diseases , also pregnant women with gum disease are more prone to have premature low birth weight babies.

Q. Should milk teeth with cavities be treated?

A. It is often thought, as milk teeth will fall after an age and permanent teeth will take there place that there is no need to get them treated .This is a very wrong approach .Milk teeth are most valuable .They act as natural space maintainers .Early loss of milk teeth leads to an irregular arrangement of permanent teeth .Infected milk tooth may affect the development of a permanent tooth .These teeth help the child in chewing food and aid in facial development and expression.

Q. Should missing teeth be replaced?

A. Yes. Missing teeth may act as areas of accumulation of food leading to cavities and gum diseases .The teeth adjacent to these areas try to move into this space thus disturbing the natural arrangement of the teeth .Also inadequate pressure resulting from these areas may cause problems in the joints of the face. Removable dentures, fixed bridges and Implants are the replacement options.

Q. When should my child start brushing his teeth?

A. Brushing for a child should start as soon as the first teeth appear in the mouth. Initially the parents should brush a child’s teeth gradually as the child grows older he should be guided to do it himself.

Q. How important is diet in maintenance of oral health?

A. A diet rich in sweets and sticky foods results in a greater number of cavities.A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential for good oral health.

Q. What should be done if accidentally a tooth is knocked out?

A. You should immediately rush to a dental clinic carrying the tooth in a container filled either with milk, own saliva or even contact lens solution. No attempt should be made to clean the tooth as it may damage the tissues. Most often it is possible to re-attach the tooth to the jaw so that it functions normally.