allergies like running nose,common cold,dry cough,productive cough,wheezing,bronchitis itching skin etc can be effectively controlled by ayurvedic therapiesand medicines.
those who are suffering from these allergies can be effectively managed by ayurveda,bearing some patience and determination.
in my 20 years of professional experience,these are facts that i would like to share:
case-priyanka,aged about 12yrs suffering from cold,cough,breathing problem,her weight is not increasingly accordingly etc.were only symptoms during rainy and winter season.but now,few questions that need to be answered while addressing problem:
a.why this syndrome(group of diseases)is caused?
b.initially,these symptoms seemed to be relieved by few medicines,as days passed,those medicines doesnt
seem to act,so we need stronger and higher dose medicines for the same symptoms,why??
c.even with so much of medication,allergy doesnt seem to be subsided,rather it attains severe form why?
d.rather than getting cured,more and new symptoms and diseases are caused(because of medicines),
which are side effects why?
e.even though,in initial stages,when the symptoms are mild ,they diagnosed as allergy and branded and are suggested to take medications life long,saying this is incurable ,why?is it really so?
f.for these allergic problems,is there any permanent cure?
g.is this permanent cure without side effects?
according to ayurveda , the above said allergies symptoms are caused due to
1.accumulation of kapha dosha or toxins
2.genetically carried
3.due to reduced immunity power
due to above said reasons ,accumulated kapha dosa or toxins when they get favourable or conducive situations and seasons,they exihibit their symptoms in the form of allergy(body'sreaction/rejection for unacceptable stuffs)
though in the initial stages of allergy,the symptoms may be relieved by1-2 courses of antibiotics inhalers,steroids,broncho dilators,these medicines can only bring down the symptoms or infection for certain period,but the disease is not cured.hence the disease will be waiting for another favourable condition again to re-appear.
so ,prolonged use of medication will cause side effects,such as
tremors of the body
nerve weakness
decreased concentration
unexplained weakness
allergy getting worsened
chronic kidney ailments
chronic cardiac ailments
ayurveda claims,once the root cause of the disease is almost nil.
then,which type of treatment is more effective?
without anyside effect?
what is the duration?
according to the principles of ayurveda treatments
1.avoid disease by increasing the immunity
2.disease is cured not the symptoms by expelling out the (doshas and toxins),whicha are the root cause of disease
these two important and noble principles are achieved by
1.shodhana(panchakarma) chikitsa or therapy
2.shamana chikitsa or internal medications
pancha karma treatment in allergy requires three important therapies with 3 week duration.
allergy is very safely and effectively canbe managed through ayurveda,without causing lifelong dependancy and side effects.
allergy can be treated very well in short span of time.
so prolonged use of medication will cause side effects,such as
tremors of the body
nerve weakness
decreased concentration
unexplained weakness
allergy getting worsened
chronic kidney ailments
chronic cardiac ailments
ayurveda claims,once the root cause of the disease is addressed effectively,toxins and kapha are expelled out of the body,the chances and relapse of disease is almost nil.
then,which type of treatment is more effective?
without any side effect?