Pyorrhoea or periodontal disease is a serious gum infection that damages the ligaments, gums, and supporting bone. It is one of the most widely prevalent dental diseases. This disease is a primary cause of tooth loss among adults. It is usually the result of poor oral hygiene.
There is a pus discharge from the roots of the teeth and gums, which is often swallowed along with food and may lead to various infections. An advanced stage of periodontal disease may cause bleeding from the gums.
Read on to find out about various aspects of pyorrhoea or periodontal disease.
Causes of Pyorrhoea
Poor oral hygiene is the main cause of pyorrhoea.
Pyorrhoea is triggered by bacterial activity.
A thin layer of harmful bacteria is continuously building up on your teeth, which leads to plaque (sticky bacterial film) formation. The removal of plaque can occur by brushing twice a day but the formation of plaque occurs again after taking meals.
Calculus is the hard form of plaque, and its removal is difficult. Under it, bacteria produce many toxins that irritate the gums causing them to be inflamed, tender, and prone to bleeding.
Other factors contributing to pyorrhoea include chemical irritants in the mouth, incorrect brushing technique, stagnation of food particles, and improper use of toothpicks.
Ongoing gum inflammation can cause periodontal disease, eventually causing pockets to develop between your gums and teeth which fill with plaque, calculus, and bacteria.
Within time, these periodontal pockets become deeper and bacteria start producing toxic products. If not treated, these deep infections cause a loss of tissue and bone, and ultimately teeth loss.
Symptoms of Pyorrhoea
Swollen and puffy gums.
Bright red, dusky red, purplish gums or shiny surface.
Bleeding gums.
Bad breath.
Pain during eating.
Tenderness of gums.
Loose teeth.
New spaces between teeth.
Recession of gums.
Pus discharge.
Pocket formation between tooth and gums.
Bone resorption in advanced stages of the disease.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Pyorrhoea
According to Ayurveda, pyorrhoea reflects the vitiation of rasa and rakta dhatus. This vitiation is caused by impaired digestion. The harmful substance produced during digestion mixes these two dhatus and then accumulates in the gums and oral cavity, coming out during actions like brushing teeth. So pyorrhoea is treated as a certain body energy disorder in Ayurvedic terms, caused by poor digestion.
Digestion is restored with herbal treatments, which ensures the proper daily elimination of harmful toxins. Cleansing herbs for the blood are administered and tooth powders are recommended to reduce pus formation and bleeding.
Diet And Lifestyle Advice from Ayurveda
People suffering from pyorrhoea need to make sure that their digestion runs properly. They should choose suitable food items as per their constitution and perform physical exercises.
A sedentary lifestyle, late-night meals, and day sleep should be avoided as these habits can disturb digestion.
- Oral hygiene should be maintained. A suitable brush and brushing technique should be used to avoid injuries to the gums.
Eating fresh fruits like guavas, bananas, and oranges help in maintaining oral hygiene.
The best way to prevent periodontal disease or pyorrhoea is to follow good oral hygiene consistently throughout life. Consult a dentist at least once every 6 months for a thorough check-up and professional cleaning.
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