Diastasis Recti / Recti Split/ Abdominal separation
Diastasis Recti is a disorder usually seen in ladies during and post pregnancy. It is defined as the separation of the rectus abdominis muscle into right and left halves. Normally the two sides of the muscle are joined at the linea alba (a fibrous structure that runs down the midline of abdomen) at the midline of the body. (Tupler Techniques, 2013)
Diastasis of the muscle occurs:
• In newborn, when the abdomen is not fully developed. Usually seen with pre-mature births.
• In pregnancy or postpartum women due to stretching of the rectus abdominis by the growing uterus. It occurs more commonly in multiparous women (carrying more than one foetus) due to episodes of stretching of uterus.
• Women are more likely to develop diastasis recti when above the age of 35, high birth weight of the child, multiple pregnancies, and multiple birth pregnancies.
• Additional causes can be due to excessive abdominal exercises during the first trimester for pregnancy.
Signs & Symptoms:
• Excessive abdominal sagging
• A persistent gap between the rectus abdominis muscle (3 finger space or more)
• Abdominal pain
• Abdominal discomfort.
• Umbilicus protrusion.
• Flabby abdomen.
• It is one of the most commonly seen disorders, often mis-diagnosed as umbilical hernia.
• Adequate manual testing and physiotherapy exercises are proven to be most effective.
Exercises like:
- Core contractions
- Seated squeeze
- Head lift
- Upright push up
- Squats against the wall
- Kegels exercise are proven to be most effective
• In extreme cases, corrective surgeries can be opted for cosmetic purposes.