Heard of hypertension? Does it scare you? Indeed the term hypertension can drive anyone to their wits end, but that only happens when it is not understood well. Experts at the esteemed American Heart Association opine hypertension is the result of untreated high blood pressure. The untreated high blood pressure is the reason why the arteries within have scar, and they act as nets that do not allow the impurities to move away while flowing through the bloodstream. Plaque and cholesterol are impurities that are caught in these nets, and this leads to blockages and build-ups that damage the cardio system and up the notch with blood pressure levels too.

Results showed that 31 percent of volunteers were less likely to develop high blood pressure when at least 2 percent of their daily caloric intake was yogurt, equivalent to at least one six-ounce cup of low-fat yogurt every three days. Their systolic blood pressure also increased significantly less than those who did not eat yogurt. These findings support a common belief that low-fat dairy products reduce blood pressure.

Ways to treat high blood pressure

There are many ways your family doctor would suggest that you incorporate to bring about lifestyle changes that would help bring down blood pressure levels-


Imagine having your favourite meal sans the touch of salt? This could be such a depressing thought, but ask anyone who suffers from high blood pressure and their emotions would be proof enough on the same.

However, there are many ways to make your meals yummy too, and this time we would think of a humble cup of yogurt (low-fat) to provide you with a delicious platter and to bring down or manage high blood-pressure levels too.

  • Frequent consumption of yogurt helps manage weight and the BMI of the body, and is known to bring down blood pressure levels too.
  • With a helping of low-fat yogurt in your daily diet, the risks of high blood pressure can be brought down as well. This is because yogurt has plenty of calcium and immense amounts of nutrients that your diet needs.
  • Yogurt has a lot of protein in it, which helps keeps the hunger pangs at bay and you happy and full for a longer period of time. It can also help the body with hydration too, thanks to the abundance of water in it.
  • Snacking on a bowl of yogurt can help bring down the risk of high blood pressure by one-fourth, say experts from AHA.
  • Yogurt smoothies with berries, not only keeps the stomach full and satisfied but the antioxidants found in berries helps prevent signs of early ageing and the water content in yogurt keeps the body hydrated.

We hope you now understand the importance of yogurt in your daily diet. Just one bowl a day with your salads or maybe as a delicious smoothie can help a long way!