The skin is a major organ. It protects the human body from coming in contact with germs, infections and microbes; it helps you feel sensations and also adjusts your body temperature. Keeping in mind the range of functions performed by this organ, you should take good care of it. A healthy diet and aa few healthy habits can give an extra edge to your skin. Try to know about these seven fruits that successfully improve your skin.
1. Pomegranate
Pomegranate juice can work wonders for your skin. It can heal lines and freckles on being used regularly. The fruit contains polyphenols that counter free radicals and increase blood flow. It makes your skin healthy through detoxification. Pomegranates can prevent as well as treat skin damages caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun. The peel of the fruit is used along with seed oil, encourages cell growth and hinders wrinkles naturally. It averts enzymes, which break down collagen and make your skin look younger.
2. Bananas
Whether you like the taste of it or not, care to include this fruit in your beauty regime for its many benefits. It contains amino acids that are known to increase your skin elasticity. The fruit also contains Zinc and Potassium. While Zinc fights against bacterial infection and prevents Acne, Potassium hydrates a dehydrated skin. Do not throw away banana skins; the inside of a banana skin when rubbed on your face can make it glow.
3. Watermelon
This juicy, refreshing fruit refreshes your skin as well. It contains astringent that can naturally tone your skin. It revitalizes dull and boring skin. When you return home after a tiring day, it is best to cleanse your face with a refrigerated slice of this fruit. The red fruit controls signs of aging because of its carotene content. It is also known to prevent blisters on your skin when applied on a regular basis.
4. Papaya
Pigmentation is a serious problem that many of us suffer from. Treating the problem through medication works but daily skin care is also needed. Mashed papaya helps in smoothening rough skin. It makes your skin really supple. Many tend to develop wrinkles at an early age. This hampers confidence as you are constantly worried about the way you look. Applying papaya masks can actually control wrinkles.
5. Kiwi
Kiwi is known to contain Omega- 3 fatty acids; these acids defend your skin from germs. They prevent you from horrible skin infections. However, the fruit prevents your skin from sagging. It is rich in Vitamin C, which again helps in producing collagen. Kiwi checks the levels of sebum excretion reducing the chances of having a sticky face.
6. Oranges
If you are tired of the blackheads on your skin, you have a home remedy to deal with it. Oranges are brilliant in extracting blackheads. Orange juice is also known to lighten one's skin tone. It reduces blemishes and treats acne. Consuming the fruit or its juice regularly can give you a radiant skin.
7. Apples
You should wholeheartedly believe in the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Apples are good for your skin as they have a BLT effect. Apples brighten and lighten your skin. They provide protection against tanning. The fruit acts effectively on your skin by doing away with the pathogens and excess oils.