Dental Fear is a common prevalent condition everywhere. 

In a study conducted, results show that dental fear among adults can range from 7.8% to 18.8% and severe dental phobia from 1%- 5.4%.

Their fear of dentistry includes dental treatment costs (65%), needles/injections (46%) or painful/ uncomfortable procedures (42%).

Here are 6 simple ways you can do to reduce your worries and anxieties to help you deal with your fear before and during the procedures:

  • Talk to the dentist /dental staff about your concerns regarding the appointment. They will be able to assist you in different payment options or nature of the procedure.
  • During the treatment, breathe slowly  and regularly. Holding your breath may only boost feeling of panic
  • Listen to your favorite music if the noise of the drill troubles you.
  • Schedule the best time to visit the dental clinic to avoid rushing and pressure.
  • If looking for a new dentist, ask friends for suggestions. Finding a reliable dentist will help you reduce your anxiety.
  • Think positively. Focus on the successful results that will benefit your overall oral health , not on the pain and discomforts.

Following these simple steps can make you less nervous and comfortable for your future dental visits.