Symptom 1: An increased sensitivity to hot and cold and sweet 

Once decay moves through the enamel and into the centre of the tooth, which contains the nerves and blood vessels, you will likely begin to experience noticeable symptoms, such as a new or increased sensitivity to hot and cold or to certain foods. If this occurs, make a dental appointment immediately, as the earlier you treat a cavity, the better.

Sensitivity to hot and cold could also be a sign of less serious problems, such as teeth grinding’which you may be unaware you’re doing, especially if it happens at night’or a filling that needs to be fixed. It’s always worth mentioning this to your dentist.

Symptom 2: Changes in gums

Gum disease includes gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and periodontitis (a more advanced condition, which, if untreated, could lead to tooth loss) and is caused by plaque, an almost invisible, sticky film containing bacteria that can form on a clean tooth within 24 hours. With time, this plaque can harden into tartar, or calculus. The tartar can accumulate under your gum line, causing even more inflammation.

Contact your dentist if you experience these symptoms:

  • Changes in colour, for instance from a normal pink colour to red or bluish-red
  • Swollen gums, with a spongy feel
  • Receding gums, making the teeth look larger’you may see some of the root
  • Pus, odour, or new spaces forming between the teeth

Symptom 3: Black or brown  spots on teeth

Dental decay is essentially an infection in your tooth, which starts with the hard enamel dissolving in response to acid produced by bacteria. The first signs are white spots that form in the very early stages.

When decay begins, particularly if this is happening between the teeth, you probably won’t be aware of it, which is why regular checkups, including X-rays, are so important. At this point, you may be able to stop the process before it develops into an actual cavity that requires a filling. So if you notice any white spots that weren’t there before, it’s worth getting them checked out.

Symptom 4: Tooth pain

Persistent tooth pain generally indicates a serious problem. Other related symptoms could include a tooth sensitive to touch or pus forming nearby’think Tom Hanks in Castaway. But keep in mind that even if the pain goes away after a day or two, you could still have a problem and should mention it to your dentist’your body may have fought off the tooth infection, but the basic problem remains, which means the infection could return.

Symptom 5: Changes of colour or texture in the mouth

Take the time while cleaning your teeth to look at your cheeks, your tongue and underneath your tongue to spot any changes. Basically, you’re checking for anything that wasn’t there before. Any changes of colour, such as white or red patches that aren’t going away and are getting bigger, or lumps that have formed in places which previously were smooth, should be investigated.