3 Key Physio Evaluations to be a Good Cyclist

 Ankle dorsiflexion. The cyclist, ideally, should be able to dorsiflex the ankle between 10° and 15°. The cyclist  can generate up to 20% of the total positive mechanical work by optimal use of the ankle plantar flexors .

 Knee flexion. At the top of the pedal cycle, the knee is flexed approximately 110°. Limited knee flexion may affect the ability to lower the saddle to the ideal height. This will adversely limit hip flexion, thereby affecting maximum effectiveness of the gluteals.

 Hip flexion with the knee in relaxed flexion (measure while cyclist is supine and in neutral spine). Hip flexion is one of the most important measurements taken before the athlete mounts the bike. When the athlete is on the bike, the measurement will be important when determining saddle height and the optimal drop of the handlebars. Handlebars that are too low will force the athlete to expend energy to flex the hip against a functional/structural barrier, thus“leaking energy” that would otherwise contribute to the total positive mechanical work.