1. Drink plenty of water, water to be stored in earthen pots. Lack of water can cause dehydration and weakness. 

2. Have juicy fruits, preferably watermelon, muskmelon, mango. It helps to maintain our strength, which diminishes during the summer season. 

3. Take adequate sleep 7-8 hrs. Even day sleep is recommended according to Ayurveda in summer season as night time is short. In this season vata accumulates in our body, the night is short, the environment is dry and the peak of aadaan kaal; includes 3 seasons Shishir (January and February); Vasant (March and April) and Greeshma (May and June) in which environment is dry and sunny. That's why adequate sleep is recommended. 

4. Have milk with rose petals or Gulkand (prepared from rose petals and sugar) which will help to reduce the body temperature and also help you to keep your temperament cool. 

5. Avoid:

  • Excessive astringent 
  • Excessive bitter 
  • Excessive pungent food items 
  • Chilly 
  • Spicy 
  • Non-veg

They help in accumulation of vata and pitta in your body which eventually aggravate in the forthcoming season. 

6. Avoid:

  • Late night sleeping 
  • Fast 
  • Untimely meals 
  • Improper sleep 
  • Over physical exertion
  • Strenuous exercise 
  • Travelling in peak sunny hours

They help in accumulation of vata and pitta in your body which eventually aggravate in the forthcoming season. 

7. Eat raw onion on a daily basis as well as carry onion with you when you travel. It helps to reduce body heat. 

8. Apply Chandan/ Sariva / Ushir (Vaala in Marathi) as a face pack and cucumber slices on your eyes. Aloe vera gel can be applied to the whole body especially foot and hands. Specific herbal facials and body massages can be planned for pitta dominant constitution persons.

9. Relaxing and sitting on the beach side in the moonlight. As the moon is cool in nature and therefore it is recommended in the summer season. 

10. Wear loose, light, white, cotton and comfortable clothes.