Cavities / holes are the main Dental problem, people are facing now a days. One can avoid cavities with the following simple tips !
1. Avoid food accumulation over/in between tour teeth - Frequent gargling & brushing,
Decreasing frequency of food intake
Rice particle to chocolates must not retain
over the teeth.
2. Pit and Fissure sealants - these stop food accumulation in the fissures of teeth ! These are usually used for children.
3. Good hygiene - this controls bacteria causing caries/cavities and bleeding gums.
4. Having food rich in fiber - chewing fibrous food on both sides, itself is self cleansing removing accumulated soft food particles.
5. Usage of Fluoridated Tooth pate - Fluoride increases tooth's resistance to cavity/ holes development.
6. Twice brushing a day - as saliva is zero during sleep, Night brushing before going to sleep is more important than brushing in the morning.
7. Regular dental check ups once in every 6 months - as you cannot have direct accessibility to your own oral cavity / mouth, regular check-ups avoid progression of already started damage!
8. Avoid irregular teeth - irregular teeth aid in food accumulation between teeth causing development of cavities / holes.
9. Preservation of gum health - if gums recede from the tooth, submerged tooth's cementum gets exposed, which is more vulnerable to cavity / holes development. Brushing twice daily with dentist's instructions can only save gum's health. What ever mouth washes/ tooth pastes in the market are only secondary to avoid damage to gum's health. Only proper brushing technique preserves gum health
10. Treatment of already developed cavities - Depending on the depth of the cavity either fillings or Root Canal Treatments, arrest further increase in cavity causing bacteria!