You can save yourself from cancer. I am sure you are eager to know how you can actually do that.The rampant increase in the number of cancer cases is an outcome of the faulty modern lifestyle, eating habits, addictions and the worsening environmental changes. Yes, genes and hormones play an important role, but the other factors deserve equal blame.

Inculcating good habits like quitting smoking, alcohol abstinence, practising regular yoga, eating natural and antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables and maintaining healthy body weight can help keep cancer at bay. Importantly, incorporating regular exercise in your daily schedule can go a long way in protecting yourself from cancer. It significantly reduces the cancer cases. A study reveals as much as 25% reduction in breast cancer rate among women who exercise regularly compared to those who do not.

For all those who are curious to know how exercise helps abate cancer, let me tell you enough research has been done to understand the role of regular physical activity in killing cancer cells. Have a look at what such researches have concluded:

Particularly in women, physical activity lowers the level of a female hormone oestrogen. High levels of oestrogen are associated with higher risk of breast and uterine cancer. Regular exercise is highly recommended in post menopausal women to reduce the risk of these cancers.

In cancer, cells of the body multiply uncontrollably. Insulin is the hormone that can turn on the multiplication of cells. Exercise helps to lower the insulin levels in the body and prevent multiplication of cells that occurs during cancer.

Physical activity also prevents colon cancer. 

As we exercise, it promotes the bowel movement. Faster transit of the harmful chemicals from processed meat and other processed food items prevents the damage to the lining of the bowels. Exercise curbs the inflammation that happens due to such damage. Repeated inflammation and replacement of dead cells by new cells can trigger abnormal growth of cells, which leads to cancer. Thus, exercising helps against colon cancer.Exercise reduces stress and fatigue, makes you feel fresh and boosts immunity to prevent cancer. Physical activity keeps a check on your weight and eventually checks out cancer.

How much to exercise:

  • A daily 30 minute moderate exercise like walking, slow swimming, playing an outdoor sport like tennis is recommended.
  • A 20 minute vigorous exercise 3-4 times a week like jogging, running, cycling or swimming is ideal.
  • Complement these with muscle strengthening exercises for upper and lower body like push ups,weights etc twice a week.

Say good bye to a sedentary life style, to embrace a healthier, cancer- free life.