I often come across a common question from my clients asking me how I control food cravings.

We are all surrounded by food. Every occasion is celebrated with food. Name it a company meeting or a family get together. The foods that are served in such occasions are refined, fatty, and sugary food. We rarely find healthy food in such parties. People who are trying to eat healthy,and are required to attend such occasions are in serious fight between their mind and stomach. Stomach growls for food and mind tempts to eat junk food. Finally unconscious busy mind wins the game and ends the up in eating junk. A huge amount of junk!!!

People should not blame mind alone in this game, but the food also have a part in tempting the brain to eat the junk. There is lot of research going on, to find the effect of refined and sugary foods on food cravings and some studies proved that eating sugary and refined foods will hide satiety cues (they act on leptin and gherlin hormones in your stomach) and allows you eat more of sugary and refined food. That is the reason if you try apiece of French fries you tempt to have one more. There is famous add about potato chips quoting “No one can eat just one”. This is absolutely true with junk food. Food is having capacity to regulate and modify genes. Regular intake of junk food will modify genes and increase craving to junk food. Similarly regular intake of whole foods will help you set your biological rhythm.

Here are few tips to keep away from this mind game.

  1. When you are planning to attend a party, plan your remaining meals ahead and try to make them as healthy as possible like eating a sprouts salad, nuts, seeds,whole grain foods.
  2. Avoid appetizers and desserts if possible, or share them with a friend.
  3. Try to eat salads in first place than going for appetizers.
  4. Avoid foods that are filled with artificial colours. Food colours increase your body’s toxic burden.
  5. Try to be mindful and conscious when you are eating out. Eating is a ritual, follow it sincerely.

“If you like a flower you pluck it, but if you love a flower you water it”- Buddha.

Do not just 'like' your body, “love” your body, and nurture it with good wholesome food. In turn it loves you with vibrant health. Keep daunting this in your mind when you tempt to eat junk.