i am 48 year old and an active person but often feels dizzy when I stand up suddenly after a hot bath. I this vertigo? – S Pereira 

No, this is not vertigo. It is called postural hypotension. It means that your blood pressure is dropping  slightly but suddenly so that the blood supply to your brain is reduced a little. It happens to everyone  from time to time and does not usually signify anything serious unless frequent. 

Why do people get vertigo when looking down from great heights? Whenever I look down from a  multistorey building, I get vertigo – Parvez Mistry

People who are afraid of heights usually feel faintness. This is not vertigo. Vertigo is a feeling that the world is spinning around you or that you are moving or swaying when you are actually standing still.  Vertigo is a common and most distressing symptom that occurs when the delicate balance mechanism in  the inner part of the ear or brain stem is damaged or disturbed. People often confuse vertigo with fear  of heights. In fact, it can be symptoms of a variety of conditions. 

The balance mechanism is located in the inner ear which monitors the position of the head continuously  and the information of the movement is sent from it to the brain. But the brain receives the information  about the body’s position also from the eyes and the other position sensors. These sensors tell the  brain that the movement was stopped. If both information are contradictory, the result is vertigo. The  common type of vertigo can be cured very simply by spinning a little in the opposite direction and that is  how skating artistes and ballet dancers train themselves to prevent vertigo. 

Vertigo can be caused in two ways. There can be something wrong with the inner ear mechanism so that  the messages are confused or the brain messages are confused or the brain stem itself can be damages  so that the messages are not properly analyzed.

Problems in the inner ear 

The part of the inner ear which contains the balance mechanism is called the labyrinth and this can  get infected causing Labyrinthitis which leads to severe vertigo and vomiting. Labyrinthitis can also be  caused as a result of other types of ear infection such as otitis media. 

Meniere’s disease can also be a cause of vertigo. It is caused by swelling in the fluid cavities of the inner  ear including the balance mechanisms themselves. This disease is characterized by severe vertigo with  partial loss of hearing and a continuous buzzing in the affected ear. The latter symptom is referred to as  tinnitus.

Causes due to brain stem 

Nerve messages from the inner ear are analyzed by a collection of cells in the brain stem called the  vestibule nucleus. Damage to this interpretative part of the system can also cause vertigo. In older  people, the blood vessels that supply the brain stem can become furred or even blocked up. Starved of  sufficient oxygen, cells in the brain stem stop working and messages from the inner ear are no longer  properly analyzed. 

There are many drugs which cause vertigo, for eg alcohol, excessive intake of which can make the world  appear very unsteady. 

Persistent or regular vertigo should always be attended immediately. Homoepathy offers very effective  treatment for all types of vertigo.


Chinium sulph: For vertigo due to aural nerves being affected and pain in the forehead. 

Cocculus: For vertigo associated with travel sickness which is worse while sitting up or when riding and is  accompanied by vomiting. 

Ferrum Phos: For vertigo due to anemia or loss of blood. 

Borax: For vertigo with fear of downward movement.

Theridion: Vertigo on closing the eyes when in motion or fast movement and which causes nausea and  vomiting.

Natrum mur: For vertigo accompanied by headache.

Selenium: For vertigo on rising from bed or seat or moving about accompanied by nausea and vomiting  and feeling faint after eating.

Sudden attacks of giddiness accompanied by hearing difficulties require Nat Salicyl 200 to be followed  by China 200 which will hasten the cure.