Doctor I do not eat aaloo, I do not eat chaval still sugars are going wayward?  

The diabetic diet is a dilemma for even a diabetic . People spend their whole lifespan visiting doctors and they still ask about the dietary advice.

What is the mystery behind being diabetic and the diet advised?

We need to come straight when we are dealing with health issues. We should be aware of the real targets of sugar management. If diabetes is like playing cricket we should keep our run rate. Diet is an integral component of diabetes management . It helps in keeping your sugars normal and the results are as per the stage of disease. Initially a patient can keep his sugars normal with diet alone , but as the disease progresses , you need to keep a balance between advice, diet, exercise and the drugs prescribed.

What is a diabetic diet?

As per the American diabetes association (ADA) the medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for diabetics revolves around the three tenets of diet .

  1. Restriction of carbohydrates to 40-60% of diet
  2. Restricting fat to 20%( saturated) less than 7 % rest is monosaturated fat and PUFA)
  3. The protein intake should be 20%.

We need to step up the fibre content of our diet to 20 gms/kg/day. The purpose of giving  a diabetic diet is to make people aware of  the tenets and to make their life simpler.

Is it like only restricting aaloo ,chaval?

Aaloo is a complex carbohydrate and can be taken in moderation, the same rule applies for chaval. We need to restrict carbs to a limit and should try to have foodstuff with less glycemic index.

What is glycemic index?

The ability of a food stuff to increase blood  sugars levels is compared with the rise in sugars after taking 100 mg of white bread. The food with high glycemic index increase sugars promptly after consuming it. Carbohydrates with a low GI value (55 or less) are more slowly digested,absorbed and metabolised and cause a lower and slower rise in blood glucose and, therefore insulin levels. Choose  carb with low glycemic index. Have more of atta stuff then maida. The list of carbohydrates with their glycaemic index is widely available in the internet.

Low GI Foods (55 or less)

  • Ground whole wheat
  • Oatmeal, oat bran, muesli
  • Sweet potato, corn,  peas, legumes and lentils
  • Pasta, converted rice, barley,
  • Fruits, non-starchy vegetables and carrots

Medium GI (56-69)

  • Whole wheat
  • Quick oats
  • Brown,wild or basmati rice

High GI (70 or more)

  • White bread
  • Cornflakes, puffed rice,
  • White rice, rice pasta, macaroni and cheese from mix
  • Potato, pumpkin rice cakes, popcorn,
  • Melons and pineapple

If we restrict carbs to  extreme, it leads to ketosis. Protein levels are to be kept as per the required levels. Protein
restricts  your urge to eat i.e. satiety . The same rule applies for the fat in diet. Fat has to be taken in moderation
with less of oil in sabzi, less of ghee application to chapatis and less of fried kachoris, samosas, Indoori , Ratlami sev. Keep everything in moderation. Stick to your staple diet, reduce chaval in moderation. lncrease fibre content in  the diet. Carbohydrate counting is a new concept in diet. Count your carbohydrate levels in the  diet and calculate the rise in sugars levels. Carb counting helps in deciding the medication, insulin dose and help patients to curb the sugar problem. Carb counting can be learnt from your dietician, doctor or the internet. So whenever someone 
describes  about the diabetic endeavor  of diet, advice them to rationalize it and take proper advice and should read good educational material available in internet. Don't make diet a fearsome affair, do not make it something to boast. Diet is the basic requirements of diabetes control. Plan it as per your traditional food habits. Keep it as simple as possible. Eat aaloo, chaval in moderation.