Gynaecomastia means a male having female like Breast. Gynaecomastia is enlargement of breast gland in males. Clinically, it is defined as the presence of a rubbery or firm mass extending concentrically from the nipples of men. Gynecomastia should be differentiated from pseudogynecomastia (lipomastia), which is characterized by fat deposition without glandular proliferation.

Why does it occur?

Almost all causes of Gynecomastia can be in one way or other traced back to excess production of the female hormone estrogen, however the reasons range from hormonal issues to diet issues. Take a look:

1. High level of Estrogen: When the female hormone - Estrogen gets higher than Testosterone (Male Hormone), possibility of Gynecomastia becomes higher. In excess of estrogen, the body starts retaining more fat in the chest.

2. Kidney failure: When our kidneys are unable to do their normal filtering process, it triggers a series of bodily reactions and hormonal dysfunction is one of them. The end result is a suppression of the production of Testosterone. In this scenario, estrogen levels tip the hormonal balance causing Gynecomastia.

3. Malnutrition: Malnutrition is one of the often misunderstood and underrated medical conditions that can cause Gynecomastia. When our body is devoid of the amount of nutrition that it requires, it reduces the production of testosterone but at the same time, there is no change in the level of estrogen.

4. Hyperthyroidism: The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones and hyperthyroidism occurs when this gland becomes overactive. Hyperthyroidism in men is considered as one of the causes of Gynecomastia.

5. Excessive intake of food items that contain estrogen: Tofu, chickpeas, soyabean, dried fruits are full of estrogens and drives up the estrogen levels in the body.

6. Wrong medication: Excessive anti anxiety or anti depression medication leads to Gynecomastia.

A suppression of the production of Testosterone. In this scenario, estrogen levels tip the hormonal balance causing Gynecomastia.