Naturopathic THerapies Clinic provides comprehensive system of natural healing. We combine herbal medicine, psychotherapy and energy  medicine with technology. Naturopathy applies evidence based non invasive approach to heal you professionally and wholistically.">
Naturopathic THerapies Clinic provides comprehensive system of natural healing. We combine herbal medicine, psychotherapy and energy  medicine with technology. Naturopathy applies evidence based non invasive approach to heal you professionally and wholistically.

In this time of rush and stress, modern medicine is suppressing the symptoms and not addressing  the root cause of illness and stress. The result of this is, more people continue to be sick and thousands die of complications from their illness.

What should a physician do?

a)   Professionally address in a safe way the health issues of their client. Teach your client that it takes time to heal. Physician should address health without causing more problem to their health. 

Do you know more people die unnecessarily due to medical negligence instead of the actual disease?

b) The root cause of any disease is stress. It all starts with stress at mental, emotional and physical level. Prolonged stress that is not addressed professionally manifest as nasty diseases. Cancer, diabetes, dementia are some such diseases.

c) The physician must educate and empower his patients from getting sick again from other diseases. He must guide them on the knowledge of preventative medicine. In fact the word Doctor comes from "Docere"  which means teacher. The duties of the doctor is to teach his clients.

d) The other duty of the physician is to help prolong the life-span of his client with quality of life and help the client to achieve his life goals. This is can be achieved with stress management techniques, life coaching and anti-aging therapies.

Caring for the wellness of his patients should come from the heart of the physician that is centered in love, trust, wisdom and faith. The physician should spend a reasonable time with his patients to understand their challenges. In modern day clinic people are treated like machines and doctors prescribe pharmaceutical drugs for the symptoms clients tell instead of addressing the root challenge. 

A client centred clinic brings real healing and miracle cures.