Vitamin-D has a role in bone, tendon, ligament, nerve, muscle, and immune systems.

Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. Calcium is one of the main building blocks of bone and an essential mineral for normal body functions.

The body gets vitamin D in 3 ways:

1. Through the skin

2. From diet

3. From supplements.


1. No enough vitamin D in the diet

2. Malabsorption problem

3. Less exposure to sunlight

4. Liver weakness

5. Kidney weakness

6. Some drugs

Risk factors:

• Breastfed infants 

• Older adults 

• People with dark skin 

• Crohn's disease  

• Obesity 

• After gastric bypass surgery 

• People with osteoporosis 

• Chronic kidney or Liver disease. 

• Hyperparathyroidism 

• Tuberculosis 

• Some cancers 

• Users of some drugs


• Loss of bone density 

• Osteoporosis  

• Rickets

• Osteomalacia  

• Muscle weakness

Natural resources:

1) Fatty fish

2) Beef liver

3) Cheese

4) Mushrooms

5) Egg yolks

6) Yogurt

7) Fatty milk


Signs of Vit D toxicity include nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, constipation, weakness, and weight loss. Excess vitamin D can also damage the kidneys. Too much vitamin D also raises the level of calcium in your blood. High levels of blood calcium (hypercalcemia) can cause confusion, disorientation, and problems with heart rhythm.

• Toxicity is caused by the overuse of supplements

• Excessive sun exposure doesn't cause toxicity because the body limits the amount

• Too much sun exposure can lead to skin aging and skin cancer.*-OKM*