URTICARIA DAY is observed on 1st October every year.

Urticaria is acute lasting for 6 weeks and chronic lasts from 6 weeks to 20 years.

chronic urticaria is autoimmune in 50% of patients.

treatment consists of non sedating antihistamines and cyclosporine and omalizumab.

most patients of chronic urticaria need long term antihistamines to control the disease.

Pain killers coloured food some medications infections may aggravate urticaria.

Urticaria presents as red itchy wheals which come and go in 24 hours.

Food is rarely a cause of chronic urticaria.

Dermatologists are trained to offer best possible treatment.

Prick test allergy test are not advised for urticaria.

most antihistamines are safe on long term basis.

UCARE centres are centres of excellence for urticaria treatment all over the world.

so if you re suffering of hives consult a dermatologist

Kiran Godse MD PhD FRCP